Where to start?


Okay, I'm sure this question has been asked a million times.

I'm a university student, and I really want to get into programming on OS X. I've attempted to dabble in programming for years, but I've just felt misguided. Where do I start if my objective is to learn how to program in OS X?

Hmm, in my opinion, if you are going to end up programming in OS X, I would say Objective-C. Where to start? With either C or C++. Java is nice only if you want to do cross platform apps for the Internet or perhaps desktop apps. Java, to me, is messy in appearance a lot of the time. So, probably start with C or C++. From there, I would learn Objective-C. However, don't forget which one of the two originals you learned, for they are just as powerful AND useful as Objective-C. Knowing either or even both of C and C++ will allow you to write applications in Linux and Windows if you ever desire it, and knowing those will also allow you to better your Objective-C programming.
Most of the sites I find for learning to program are either PC specific or start you off with Java.

C++ seems like a valuable language, but I hear that C is "easier."

Any ideas?

If you want to learn about programming -- I'd say Objective-C and (Objective-C++) using XCode is the way to go.

If you want to write a program that does stuff and get on with your life -- RealBasic ($99 for standard edition).

If you want to write games -- BlitzMax.

Coincidentally, RealBasic and BlitzMax will allow you to move your programs to Windows and Linux should you so desire, whereas with Objective-C and Cocoa you're stuck with Mac OS X. (Not necessarily a bad thing, but a useful thing to know.)
This is not a reply but a question to users. Does anyone know which Open Source Graphics Packages are worth recommending? Also I would love to find a Flash making code? Thanks. Leighla
BlitzMax looks like wha i want, but can i do that with c++ in Xcode? I just dont want to pay yet since im going to start to learn c++