Where'd my icons go?


Today we had a power outage at my dorm.
I was playing a cd for a friend on my computer (iMac 750mHz w/ 10.1.5 running and working). The power went out and my computer's power went out aswell. I turned it back on when the power came back and it seemed to be working fine (all files still there ). I went to class and it still seemed fine. Later tonight I was trying to look for something in my Documents folder under home. When I clicked home, I was presented w/ a blank folder (usually holding sites, music, desktop, etc) and the desktop went blank all except the icon for Macintosh HD.

What is wrong? The files are still there b/c I can click Desktop on the Finder window. I have restarted a few times and still can't see improvement. I have my computer on a surge for this exact reason. The power is there but something went haywire in the outage or so it seems.

I have been thinking about upgrading to Jaguar. Might this upgrade solve this problem? I don't want to clear files and all applications seem to work as usual. Only finder is not working properly.

You do not use Tinker Tool, do you ?
If not, it's probably a problem with the Finder.
An upgrade should fix that issue because it installs a new version of the Finder...
BTW, Jaguar is quite nice and well worth the upgrade IMHO. (Make sure you get an edu version, of course ;-)
I don't use Tinker Tool but recently loaded X-Tunes. This might be related to my problem but I am unsure (it worked for over a week flawlessly). After I installed it, when I would download '.dmg's and try to install it would say disk is in process. (continue, initialize, eject warning). These might be unrelated but I am not sure.
Sounds definitely like there's something wrong with file recognition. Sorry but I can't say more about it from here. Have you tried rebuilding the desktop, or have you run any maintenance software ? That might help. Oh and... unlikely as it might sound it might be the privileges. In Jaguar there is a privilege fixing routine included in Disk Utility. For 10.1.x you can download a utility "restore privileges" or similar from Apple.