Where'd my startup chimes go?


I had to reboot when Word wouldn't force quit and my startup chimes seem to have vanished. I've since run DiskWarrior, because Word and Safari both started hanging – everything seems OK but when I rebooted afterwards, still no chimes. I repaired permissions, then once again the document I was trying to work on in Word hung, wouldn't respond to force quitting, and I had to hard reboot again – still no chimes.

What gives? The volume isn't turned down or muted. The only change I've made since the last time I rebooted, whenever that was, is the iCal update. Don't they exist any more in Panther and I didn't notice when I upgraded?

I miss them. I've been hearing them for nearly 20 years ...

G4 dual 1.25 GHz, 10.3.2.
This happens sometimes in OS X. To fix, you can zap you pram. To do so can reset some settings to default (like mouse movement, volume, etc.). Here's Apple's instruction on how to do it. Your exact problem has happened to me once or twice and zapping the pram fixed the problem.
If you can't Force Quit, before rebooting, open Activity Monitor and see if you can Quit the process that way.
No good, this time – whatever Word was doing, it locked everything up and I couldn't get back to the finder or the dock. If only my clients wouldn't use Word, or at least, if they did, I didn't ever have to go into the client's file to extract an illustration so that I can set it.

Apologies for the double post, btw, Mail and Safari both joined in the general mayhem this morning. It'y my own fault: I was only thinking yesterday how smooth the transition to Panther has been for me. Have zapped the PRAM and, so far, so good, although I'm not touching the original of that particular file again.
On a related note is there a way to just disable the startup chime? I have my computer hooked up to a large stereo system and if I forget to turn down the volume before rebooting it scares the crap out of me, not to mention rattles the windows and probably wakes up my neighbors when it happens at night :-) (Its amazing how much bass the chime has when you have a 4 foot tall 350 watt subwoofer attached to your computer)
To my knowledge:

Anthony: Just be sure you turn the sound down when you start up the computer.
Weezer: Not without hacking the firmware.