Tinkertool is a more user friendly freeware method.Originally posted by testuser
The command to pin:
defaults write com.apple.dock pinning end
end can be replaced with middle or start.
Right. I have my on the bottom of my right monitor... which is the same monitor as the menubar.Originally posted by free&unmuzzled
this poll is messed up as some of the questions/answers are not mutualy exclusive!
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I;ve tried all possible possitions
and for me it works on the left, visible.
My Hard Drives are on the right
and my menu on top
Now if only I have tabbed folders like OS 9, it would be PERFECT!
this poll is messed up as some of the questions/answers are not mutualy exclusive!
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
you can choose all that apply. the only real problem with poll is that it only has 10 options, so there are some things about dock I couldn't ask. And while the percentages themselves are not true values, the graphs give a pretty good representation of the relative popularity of different approaches to docking.
I don't see any way to change my vote. Anywhere the board allows you to do that? It should.