Where's the ICON?


On a fresh OS X install there is an Icon that is in the right hand side of the doc. The icon (or is it iCon?) is the "@" sign (ampersand) on a spring and is a shortcut to the apple url.
I have tried using cmd I to get the info and asking the dudes at the apple store. but no luck.

Can someone show me how to get this icon? I would love to use it as my mail app icon.


Control click the Doc's icon and choose reveal in Finder.

Select the file's icon and File->Get Info

Click the icon in the info pane (should become selected) and Edit->copy.

Select any other icon in a similar fashion and Edit->paste.
Doesn't work. ctrl click only reveals "url" and it's grayed out?

This icon must exist as maybe a tiff somewhere.

If the item is in the doc, it must exist somewhere as a file.

The text that appears over the icon in the Doc will be the file name. You can do a search for that file.

What version of the OS are you running? I haven't seen that icon for a while.
Start Internet Explorer (i know, i know) and goto any site. Take the icon that is appears directly to the right of the url in the address field at the top of the browser. It looks like a grey circle with an "@" sign in the middle. Drag this icon to the doc.. it creates THE ICON I want and in effect becomes a short cut to the url.

A simple mouse-over only reveals the url that the icon points to. A ctrl click only reveals the greyed out word-"URL". Where the icon exists or how I can copy it is beyond me. I want it. And the harder it becomes the more I want it :)


Wow, I see what you mean. The URL is NOT a url file but instead a "drag flavor" or "clipboard type". Dragging the URL to the desktop creates a file with a different icon. Sorry I was heading in the wrong direction before.

I would recommend finding the dock.app package. Showing its contents and digging for that picture. Or going to version tracker and download a System Icon editor program. They may know where it is.