which fonts does jaguar need?!

Bad Co

I want to know what fonts 10.2 absolutely needs and which i can dump. Also knowing the different possible locations that fonts might show up would be helpful.
Fonts appear to be all over the place. Fonts in Library:Fonts folder are accessible to all local users. Fonts in Home:Library:Fonts are accessible only by the user of that account. Fonts in System:Fonts are needed by the system. Leave those alone. From your sig I guess you don't have OS9, but if so, OS X looks in the OS9 System folder and uses those fonts too, even if you're not using Classic. The search order is Home:Library:Fonts -> Library:Fonts -> System:Library:Fonts -> OS9 Fonts. HTH
In other words, don't touch /System/Library/Fonts (or anything else in /System, for that matter). Feel free to dump any fonts in /Library/Fonts or /Users/yourusername/Library/Fonts.
Should I be able to trash the non-English fonts of the system folder if i use only English?

Also after doing some searching, it looks like Adobe apps keep a font folder in
/Library/Application Support/fonts
and Acrobat 5 also puts a
/Library/Application Support/PDFL/5.0/Fonts

I work for a design/publishing company and I'm trying to figure out what might cause font issues and what control I will have over fonts before we move them over to OSX. Want to make sure that only the proper fonts will be used in enduser documents.
Originally posted by toast
Tell the boss you need and deserve Font Reserve 3 and handle fonts from there on.

So do you recommend Font Reserve? I am about to install the FR server here at work, running the server on OSX and up to 10 FR 3 users on OS9

also what are the essential system fonts on OS9??
Actually we are using Extensis Suitcase for font management. The problem lies in where the old true types and and other non-ps fonts that show up from other locations.

And for OS9 systems we use ATM Deluxe. But font management is easy on OS9 there is only one place where programs put fonts, in the systems font folder.