Pages is not an app aimed at producing webpages. It can do it, but it's not what is meant for. Just because you tried to output a complex page to .doc format and it didn't hold, don't dismiss pages. Although many apps have .doc compatability, having your documents translate correctly is another story alltogether. OpenOffice, ThinkfreeOffice and others all have this problem.
Pages is a great page layout application in the vein of MS Publisher. It's trying to do several things, and as a result, it hasn't really found it's niche yet as a product. It's not going to replace Word/Office anywhere just yet. However, there is hope. Apple did an excellent job with Keynote. It is light years ahead of Powerpoint in terms of simplicity and elegance. Everybody who see's my presentations is in awe of the quality, especially in the transition area.
If Apple can beef up Pages and add a spreadsheet application that does everything most of use Excel for, it will have a great software suite on it's hands.
Although, even as an owner of iWork '05, I have to say I'm using TextEdit more and more. It's small footprint, quick loading time, and simple interface cover most of my Word Processing needs. And with the added Devon Technologies free Service for Word count, I can use it to write papers now too.
Now if Apple would just make the lists/link/tables features accessible through key commands, menu items, or a toolbar icon, I would be much happier. Having them is nice, but burying them in the text menu is annoying. Oh, and give me line numbers and auto-complete (type ahead) options, and I can ditch the other apps for good. For now, I'm using skEdit for coding. It's a nice, efficient HTML editor. Check it out.
crcr2003 said:
ok. it depends on what u do for a living. for me, Microvirus Word is still the word process.
although for the new kids i think Pages will rule. i mean lets admit, why would u use on school word to make a presentation or a report when u can have Pages and put the doc. online or add some awesome graphics or photos? Pages is more futuristic, more internet era. Word is just good as the old processor to do ur simple documents and give it to ur boss without complicating urself. period.
i tried Pages, i was very excited creating a fantastic cool document with a lot of data, photos, etc but when i exported it as an Office document, it came the end of my love with Pages, i had to re-edit so many things again so my colleagues could see the document on the PCs. although when i saved the file as a pdf, everything worked perfect. As a i said, Pages is to create documents that will go online, Word to creates documents that will go offline, i mean to the trash can...
anyway i think Pages is just a great appl. that mac will continue upgrading.