which software?


just was sent some notes from conference and cannot work it out what software do I need to open them There is loads of files of two kinds: .nbindex (and those include items like links.nbindex, keywords.nbindex etc) and .plist
Anyone who know what programme wpold cope with that?

Hi Frank and welcome to the forum.
I don't think those files are conference notes. I don't know about '.nbindex' files, but '.plist' files are preferences files for certain applications. All your settings are stored in such files. The format of .plist is xml which you can open in any editor such as TextEdit.
You can also open .plist files using the Plist editor in Apple's Developer Tools.

However, unless you were at a conference about using preference files in Mac OS X, I'd say whoever sent you these has sent the wrong files. Ask them to send you whatever documents or notes it was they were trying to send.
try running in terminal
file links.nbindex

Sometimes the file command can be surprisingly useful; it recognizes about a metric tonned of file formats...