which to purchase?

Which toy should FaRuvius purchase?

  • Seriously underpowered but cheap iBook w/ 12.1" $1299

  • Seriously underpowered iBook w/ 14" $1799

  • Middle TiBook $3000

  • iMac w/ SuperDrive $1799

  • Nothing, save that money and wait for MWNY '02

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Hardest Flusher
Which new toy should I purchase?

I just sold my 466 g4, and I wished that it were a little bit faster...
The iBooks are underpowered. But they are fairly inexpensive... Perhaps an iBook could be an interim portable while saving money for the soon(hopefully) to be upgraded desktop machines.......

But on the other hand, the G3 is obviously getting phased out......

Decisions decisions decisions......

I really love the new iMac but if I bought one I'd be living in a card board box for next semester and then there'd be nowhere to plug it in. decisions, decisions.....
1) get mac live, in cardboard box...
2) not get mac, live in dorms/student housing
3) get 3-4 year financed mac, live in dorms/student housing, have happy life :D