Which Web Cam Software? PC compatible?


I have some firends in Australia who are PC users and have set up MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger. What's the best solution for me Software wise? Something that will be compatible for sound and pictures?
Nothing with MSN. If your friends really like you (;)) then they will setup an aim account with the most recent aol messenger. This will be audio/video/chat compatible with your ichatav (if you are on panther).
Well, there are a couple of other solutions like yahoo! or ISPQ-Chat, but the combination of ichatav and aol is currently the best. If video is not so important, there are a bunch of VoIP clients for mac.
They can still use the Messenger's along with AOL. Use AOL's AIM when they're video chatting with you.

When Tiger is released, iChat will be able to video conference with three people at the same time. Something to consider.
But bobw, has anyone tested the use of iChat AV (Tiger version) with AIM? AIM doesn't have any H.264 codec (to the best of my knowledge), and the AOL icon has been removed from the iChat AV icon.

I don't know; it's starting to look grim on that front.

As for the original question - you want to get Yahoo! for video. Audio is not supported, but video is good, and doesn't require broadband (like iChat does). Note, though, that the Mac I.M. world is horribly crippled, and just as in MSN Messenger, we have no games or niceties that PC Yahoo! Messenger users get. Infact the current version of Y! is just a carbonization of the OS 9 one.
Don't know if iChat will work with AIM in Tiger, as I don't have Tiger.

Maybe someone that has it can answer. I haven't seen any mention of iChat not working with AIM in Tiger anywhere.
antonioconte said:
well, like I said they use MSN messenger and Windows messenger with their family at the moment.
So you have to do all of the work to accomodate them? Good friends would be willing to consider all options if the chat was truly important.