Which Windows features?

I like the feature where a letter is underlined in various options and you can type that letter to choose that option, example:


press L

help is clicked
liteswitch works GREAT!! I love it, much better than alt-tab with windows!

So other than that... All we need is speed!

I do like the way windows handles networking, allowing you to check up on what's connected, what isn't. I hate having to launch IE to see if my network settings were indeed correct. videoLAN works well for avi, but I still wish quicktime could handle that whole shabang.

And a scroll wheel :D

EDIT: I just recall two other things: Transfer time estimate when tranferring large files, and a "Replace All" when copying and replacing files. Currently you only have the choice of "Replace" and "Cancel", and if you are replacing 5 files you must click "Replace" 5 times.
fryke :
The open source part of OS X is old, that's true (base on FreeBSD). But most problems concern the interface : nobody complain about the multitask, or about the memory handling. Speed, logout with applications open ... all that are on the not opens source part, and this one is not as old as rhapsody.

Another feature that I would like to seed is virtual screens : the ability to many totally independent screens, that you can choose, for example by hitting ctrl-option-F1/F2/F3 ... On one screen, you can develop a web page, an you can test it on another screen ... way easier than having many layers of windows I think.
A fine thing would be also to get a REAL "Copy File" function, as in Windows. Command-C Command-V is fine but a Command-X to cut a file would be great too.
Originally posted by toast
Nafae, try Command-Tab. You'll get a surprise ;).

I'll have to disagree with you there. You can go from IE to PS to IE with the same keystroke and you don't have to tab through ALL your open apps. Also, I'd like a keystroke for going between app windows that is consistent. cmd-opt-tab would be nice.

(ok, liteswitchx does this. Now integrate it into the os, and I'll be happy)
The ability to cut and paste files and fast user switching.

Oh, and cmd + shift + tab goes backwards ;)
Hey guys, I was about to become a first-time Mac user but this thread has effectively discouraged me from doing such a thing. Not being able to run DivX seems like the worst sacrifice of them all. Inability to use keyboards like the Microsoft Natural Pro and the Intellimouse to their full extent is one thing, inability to task-switch properly and maximize is a sacrifice I don't mind too much, late-released software and expensive hardware that can't be upgraded is something I'd definitely ignore but not playing DivX is ridiculous.

I would not want to use Virtual PC (that I would have to buy for 200$) on top of extremely expensive hardware to emulate a PC that's capable of doing something my supposedly superior machine is incapable of doing. Restricting myself in this way is unacceptable.

I really wanted a Mac too. To have someone say that a machine that costs 1000$ more (in Canada) does less and is in fact slower? Maybe I was wrong to want to switch. There's no such thing as a perfect computer after all.

Originally posted by Annihilatus
Not being able to run DivX seems like the worst sacrifice of them all. Inability to use keyboards like the Microsoft Natural Pro and the Intellimouse to their full extent is one thing
for divx, search around, there are ways to get it to work easily.
and for the MS Natural Pro & Intellimouse, just plug them in and they will work...
Have you spent time using OSX? As much as I started this thread, I did state that I would never ever swap OS's! If this was a 'what should Windows take from OSX' thread, then I think you'll find the list a bit long;)

yeah you can use an intellimouse, that's what i use!

yeah you can view divx files, it's called VLC

So you have to buy apps?

We are discussing how we want more integration of these downloadable features with the OS. I don't believe you read a few of the posts very carefully ;)
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12

for divx, search around, there are ways to get it to work easily.
and for the MS Natural Pro & Intellimouse, just plug them in and they will work...

They will work, but not to their full extent, that's what i was stressing. Last i checked, there was nothing out there to allow for the back and forward buttons on the mouse to function. Also, no driver apparently allows the natural pro keyboard to make use of the back, forward, mail and media player buttons.

Annihilatus, DivX movies can be watched and enjoyed to their "full extent" just like in Windows, only sometimes it takes a freeware app to convert something, but nothing over two minutes time. DivX in OS X works wonderfully (it could only be better if you could do everything in Quicktime), and it is nothing to be scared of.
DiVX plays fine for me... ALL in QuickTime. The major issues were the old MP42 DiVX files but that has been addressed and fixed a few days ago. Here is a lost of all the available DiVX tools for OSX. All new DiVX files are supported no problem.


Hope that helps you out there.


MS MPEG4v1 and V2 codecs. This will get the older DiVX files to work.