Who has a life besides his computer?

Originally posted by dricci
My life is the Apple.

Viva La Resistance!


that was hillarious... ah.... ok i'll think of something smart to post ...
ok, let's see. in summer i have a life, in winter i dont - usually.

last summer was one of my best summers. i visited my cousin in germany, and i only went on the computer when she had to go to work and i absolutely had nothing to do - gotta read slashdot... i guess some geekeeness is deeply embedded in me ;)

in winter i'm pretty much 8 hours a day on the computer. canda is cold in winter. and what's more spiritually fulfilling? posting on this forum or going outside and having snowball fights and making snow men and snow angels? :)

friends heah. it doesn't really help when most of them are as nerdy as you are ;) good thing i have one that is not a computer geek and loves the outdoors he rocks ass in tennis so i will start playing him and going a bit more outside come summer, although i may start college in may and well there's one year of pure geekeeness, since i'm taking new media. ah well. mybe i'll invent total imersion in virtual reality and then i could be anywhere i wanted :)


so, nope, here i must be forced by family member or frends to tan using other sources thatn a cathode ray tube.

although my childhood was spent heavily outdoors... and i went to the Y 2 years ago regularly... ok! i give up!
Y is short for the YMCA, or the Young Men's Club of America, a fitness club that seems to be just about EVERYWHERE in america... just so you know.
Yeah, uh... listen, just because an American group makes a song doesn't mean anyone else in America has a clue what they were thinking... lol I've never understood that stupid song anyway :)

Sorry if I've offended anyone who really enjoys it... lol
Actually, YMCA by the Village People is a thinly-disguised celebration of the gay sex scene that can be found at many YMCAs.
yeah. but the Y has changed and now has both women and men.... mmmm women in scandily clad bath suits.... mmmmm
said by senne
For all you people who has more than 400 posts, i say to you: Get outside too... it's so much more fun out there. Or if you really can't live without apple, take a picture of you with YOUR iPod and travel all around the world ;) and put it on http://www.iPodlounge.net/assets/galleries/iatw_gallery/


(ahyes, i'm going to buy a 10 GB ipoooodd!!! OHYESBABY!)

hey, i may have more than 400 posts, but then i've been around here a while, and i have less than admiral ... lol...
do i have a life away from the computer? yep. i live with my girlfriend, meet friends, read books, watch tv, go to the cinema... my work revolves around the computer, so i spend a lot of time in front of it, but right now i'm going to go out and do some gardening ... fresh air! yay! :D :D
Originally posted by nkuvu
So senne, are you going to buy an iPod for people with more than 400 posts? :D Cool.

I think I can't! I had 2250Euro in my "pig" but now its only 1450 Euro.. so I can buy just one more 10GB iPod.. Who's the lucky winner? :p

Hey, senne, I can save you some money -- I'd be perfectly happy with the 5GB iPod...

Or even a backpack to expand the memory of my Rio more than 32MB. :rolleyes:
Hehe, a backpack in dutch (written like this: bakpak) means a swimming-suite for women.

OK nkuvu, i'll buy you a backpack! :p


alle nederlandstalige mensen: zwijgen en nix zeggen, anders gaan die mij nog komen opzoeken en dwingen om voor hun nen iPod te kopen ofzo.... :) ik weet wel da het badpak is.. morja.
alle nederlandstalige mensen: zwijgen en nix zeggen, anders gaan die mij nog komen opzoeken en dwingen om voor hun nen iPod te kopen ofzo.... ik weet wel da het badpak is.. morja.
Uh.... sure. What you said. :) Sorry, Dutch is not my strong suit. And I am only guessing that this is Dutch at all...

I can only imagine what the Rio would look like wrapped up in a swimsuit... I doubt that it would increase the memory, but thanks for the offer. :D
Originally posted by vic
hehehehehe... does someone here have something to share ? ;)
<said while blasting "I Love a Man in a Uniform" by the Gang of Four>
I caaaaaannnnnnn'ttttt heeeeaaaaerrrr yyyooooouuuuuu...
</said while blasting "I Love a Man in a Uniform" by the Gang of Four>