Who wants to play Fantasy Baseball?

who would have guessed that Phil would be so good at trash talking? We aren't even playing yet. I can't wait till the season starts to hear what he has to say then.:p

of course, guys at the bottom of the standings are usually pretty quiet;)
I'll be honest, I;m vasically drafting the entire BoSox team, within reason of course.:D

Accept this as further proof of your imminent defeat. This will hurt much more than transplanting your yard. No warm water will be able to clense you of these troubles!
so Phil, you're a Red Sox fan?

What about everybody else - any favorite teams?

I am a Giants fan. and it is just coincidence that i live in SF. I started liking them when i was a kid. back in the days of Willie Mays and Willie McCovey. Living here has just rekindled my enjoyment of them. I feel lucky to have gotten here in time to go see some games during the last season at Candlestick Park. I didn't get to the new Pacbell Stadium until last season. It really is a nice park. I hope to make more than one game this year. But it is so expensive and hard to get tickets. At least i can see about 90% of the games on Fox and Fox Sports Network. (when i have time for that)

It sucks that you have to buy a package from Real to listen to any games on your computer. especially since they don't even support osx yet.:mad:

just a note - knowledge of american baseball is no guarentee of success in fantasy baseball. I don't even watch Basketball and i do pretty good in my leagues for it.
Phil, that is very cooool:)

ksv - it is really simple. you don't join a team. you create a name for a team by following that link a while back. once you are registered, there will be more complete instructions. i will also be posteing some tips after we get a full league or at the beginning of next week, whichever comes first. It would be great if you and 2 more non americans signed up. then we would be half and half and could sort of play team standings on the side:) USA vs the world:D

so just go sign up and then watch this thread for the latest news.
we still need 3 more players. time to sign up is now. if we don't have 10 players by monday i am going to post this in hot topics.:cool:
Ed, did you ever notice that any thread you ever participate ib ceomes a "party" thread? Look at this thread, in reality, it shouldn't be tha mich fun, a little trash talk, and a little joking about how little some people might know about baseball, yet, people manage to have fun here. Ed Spruiell, "people person". You earned that title.:D
gee Phil, thanks:)

ksv - i think we have 3+ tomorrows. really signing up takes about 2 minutes and is painless.
4 tomorrows....

hey, if you don't want to play, that's ok. you're not obligated. i am posting to hot topics tomorrow to try and fill the league up. I realize i might be a little impatient with this, but i once had a fantasy league i set up that didn't ever happen because it didn't have enough people on draft day after people said they would play and then they didn't.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
4 tomorrows....

hey, if you don't want to play, that's ok. you're not obligated. i am posting to hot topics tomorrow to try and fill the league up. I realize i might be a little impatient with this, but i once had a fantasy league i set up that didn't ever happen because it didn't have enough people on draft day after people said they would play and then they didn't.

Agh, hehe, I'll sign up today, I just forgot it ;)
And I was away this weekend :cool:
and now we are 8:D

so are there different norsk words for sports or do you just use the english words?
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
and now we are 8:D

so are there different norsk words for sports or do you just use the english words?

In norsk we use both "sport" and "idrett", but I think "sport" is more commonly used. conjugate it a little different in norsk, so "two sports" becomes "two sporter, and "let's go and do some sports" becomes "la oss gå og utøve litt idrett". Note that I used "idrett" here, because "utøve litt sport" would sound/look lame. Also, we say "sport" in an other way from in english, unlike german. The r and t becomes one sound, it's a bit different to explain. English-talking people usually have trouble with that norske "rt" sound, I think, like the "rn" sound.

well, that was very interesting but i was really being more specific. i meant do you call it baseball, basketball, etc. or do you use norsk words that mean the same thing?

i do wish there was someway you could explain the rt thing. that one really got my attention. i would probably butcher it! i am one of those people who pronounces the L in salmon:p oh well, the limitations of the typed word strike again;)
Oh, I didn't see the "s" in "wordss", hehe :D
Yeah,team sports are usually the same in norsk as in engelsk, except from some cases where the word is pretty like in norsk and engelsk, like football-fotball (because foot=fot in norsk), but baseball, basketball, bandy etc are all the same :)
Originally posted by ksv

In norsk we use both "sport" and "idrett", but I think "sport" is more commonly used. conjugate it a little different in norsk, so "two sports" becomes "two sporter, and "let's go and do some sports" becomes "la oss gå og utøve litt idrett". Note that I used "idrett" here, because "utøve litt sport" would sound/look lame. Also, we say "sport" in an other way from in english, unlike german. The r and t becomes one sound, it's a bit different to explain. English-talking people usually have trouble with that norske "rt" sound, I think, like the "rn" sound.


Uhm, we germans also say sport different than in english.
In german, you have an "sh" at the beginning, so you would say "shport", if you know what I mean...
Originally posted by ulrik

Uhm, we germans also say sport different than in english.
In german, you have an "sh" at the beginning, so you would say "shport", if you know what I mean...

Oh, of course, you're right :)