Whoa! 12" PowerBook has a Windows/Right-Click keyboard button?

Yeah, but you gotta admit, it sure is a lot easier using Command. Thumb and index finger doing cmd-s for save as opposed to the pinky-stretch of ctrl-s is a pretty big difference. And Apple also does a much better job of keyboard shortcuts; cmd-w for Window closing, cmd-a for select All...it's intuitive (what does alt-f4 mean if you don't already know?)
the PDF posted by snowball has a flaw. The front page of it says the apple sign and then "January 31st, 2003. "

someone please tell me that they have already noticed this!!:rolleyes:
Isn't the Windows key mapping in software though? And I'll say again, you can't unplug a laptop keyboard and plug it in, and pro keyboards don't have fn keys to enable the Windows mode. So, as far as I can see, the keys are exclusively for Virtual PC (or maybe Bochs if it knows about them, unlikely though).
Originally posted by Snowball
Isn't the Windows key mapping in software though? And I'll say again, you can't unplug a laptop keyboard and plug it in, and pro keyboards don't have fn keys to enable the Windows mode. So, as far as I can see, the keys are exclusively for Virtual PC (or maybe Bochs if it knows about them, unlikely though).

The key (no pun intended) point is that the keyboard send the same scan codes for any particular key on the keyboard for a pc and mac. It's up to the OS to translate that scan code into a particular "key". In this way you can plug a PC USB keyboard into a Mac and it would work. The only problem is that you're keycaps won't be the same. There might be minor differences though for things like the POWER key etc.