Whoops! I broke it already...


Jaguar comes with a windows file sharing option. So, I went to delete Samba Server Config Tool, and all its related files.

When I click on Start for the windows files sharing, nothing happens. I'm assuming that I deleted some of Jaguar's files when deleting SSCT.

Any thoughts? Help?

why would you delete the option to share with windows? Are you a moron or just plain anti-windows?
he had samba on his computer then installed jag and thought he didnt need it etc....
oh when he said samba server config tools i thought that was part of OS X.2 and he wanted to delete that part of the system
All u had done is right.
It's a bug of Jaguar:
sometimes when u try to start windows service it doesn't start.
I don't know why.
Anyway if u try for few times, it starts.
Thanks for the replies and suggestions. Lesson learned? Don't go erasing items you don't fully understand.

I was able to get it up and running after running the full Jaguar installer and doing another upgrade. (I didn't get the post about Pacifist until afterwards). Then I still had to manually replace some files to make it work. (I compared a working system w/mine to find out what I was missing.)

However, while it works, it's also a little buggy so I'm going to do a full install.

Again, thanks for the replies. And for the record...I'm a diehard Mac fanatic!