Who's going to Paris?


web developer
Okay, so there's Apple Expo in Paris the 16th to 20th of September. Keynote and everything is free.
I'll probably go, as well as toast and most likely fryke too.
Any others? ;)

It's probably smart to sign up as soon as possible on http://www.apple-expo.com . If I know Apple right, they are going to start charging for it once they see the interest is getting higher :confused:
man that looks tight - too bad im not gonna get to paris til next winter... i can't wait im excited as hell already. im going on an orginized trip, so only about 4 days IN paris: but what are some places i should go besides the big tourist draws? are there any tight little alleys to walk?
i can't wait!
I'll bet that is the time they announce euro iTunes and the new Euro Apple stores. Well, let's hope so anyway...
i just registered there.

jsut in case i will need a stamp for my passport, i might come to europe to see more apples. :D
if i need a stamp for being out of here around that period, the reason for gettin' the stamp might as well be the expo in paris! besides last year i arrived there too late so i missed steve! now i'm k-registered, yippii!! ;)
Originally posted by Zammy-Sam
Hey, no one interested to meet me??? :( ::crying::

What are your political views? What music do you listen to? :D

Are you coming, Ugg?
You won't be alone, I'll be happy to meet anyone from the board ! Esp. the people who got active in the Cafe. But...

But you'll have to speak in English with me, I'm useless at speaking German :D

I guess we'll meet in Paris the day before, get wasted and talk of Apple, politics, the board, and end up watching Jobs through half-open eyelids the day after. I'm bringing my Sony DCS P51, bring your cams ! :)
I very likely will have to get out of here = apple expo will be a good reason. if i will get a break and have enough $ t o get to there, i will try to be there. It would be really interesting if we (or anyone later arrival etc) would be able to be and meet there. If anyone's in US *cough* somewhere, i could meet before, but in Europe, i really likely will be there, and seeing fryke, toast, zammy-samm, ugg, cat etc will be kewl (i know only the bad words in german so plaese talk in english)-.. we still have time to plan though :)
Man, that would be a blast! I would sure like to but I don't know if my money situation will be good enough, it sure is tempting though.

Zammy und ich werde auf deutsch sprechen, mein französisch ist nicht so gut.
Mein deutsch ist nicht besser als deine französich (I'm sure this line features more grammar mistakes than words).
You are concerned about the language?
Here the plan:
toast will be our french-english interface! :D
If Ugg won't mind, I would love him to be my tranlator, so none of you guys will have to worry about that.
And toast, you make sure we don't end up in a red-light milieu, since all I know is: Vous voulez coucher avec moi? :)

Und Ugg, falls die Hinfahrt das Problem sein sollte, so kann ich dir da vielleicht helfen...
Heh, that's a great line to know, though. :D

I'll have to make do with the pics you guys take. Better post 'em! I'm so broke it ain't even funny - I don't even have a car at the moment, I'm not even gonna think about plane tickets.