Why are Mac OS X for Intel updates larger than the corresponding PowerPC updates?


I've noticed that the Mac OS X updates for Intel are larger than the corresponding updates for PowerPC. Does any one know the reason(s) for this?
A 'Universal' application contains code for both Intel 'and' a PowerPC based Macs.

If you are of 'System 9.x' and earlier - 'PowerPC' (only) vs. 'Universal' applications is the modern day equivalent of the '68000' (only) code applications vs. the 'Fat Binary' (68000 and PowerPC) code applications, of years past (1997). Over time, the applications were 'PowerPC' only, and the '68000' and 'Fat Binary' applications died out. The same will happen to 'PowerPC' (only) and 'Universal' applications - when more and more 'Intel based Mac' only applications are created.

See ('barhar' and others) posts below for possible explanation as to the Intel update and combo update being larger than their PowerPC counterparts.
'Does that mean that Apple's 10.4.6 Combo Updater for Intel is actually a Universal Binary that will update a PowerPC as well?' - no. 'Mac OS X 10.4.6 Combo for Intel' is strictly for Intel based Macs. 'Mac OS X 10.4.6 Combo for PPC' is strictly for PowerPC based Mac's.

Believe it or not - I read the post and went down a path I should not have.

Thus for clarity, and actually answering the original post of 'Why are Mac OS X for Intel updates larger', - when code is compiled for different microprocessors - the resultant code size will vary.
Thus, assuming that only the same exact fixes were compiled for both processors - the resultant upgrades would most likely be of different sizes.

Also, the MacOS X update(s) for the Intel based Macs may include additional code, for whatever reason, by Apple. This is quite likely considering - that most of the code written for the PowerPC based Macs is quite mature, and any updates would be just that - updates. But, Apple is still fixing MacOS X to run on the Intel based Macs; thus, It is quite possible that additional fixes (tweaks) are also being included [in addition to the code being added to the PowerPC version of the update(s)] in the Intel update releases.
as well as all the updated inherent anti-piracy updates. people who still want to get mac os running on pcs won't like updates.