...It's not from Wintel side of things which is the closest thing in the Dark Side of the Force in our realm
Seriously though: Working as a technician for both Mac and PCs (for PCs for ages while for Macs only a year or so...) I found out the truth: The PCs no matter what you do to them or from where you buy them or even what OS they have (Win2k server editions included) they misbehave! For no apparent reason even if you reformat them, clean-install apps and OSes they work like bombs: They just tic-tac then BOOM even if you or someone else didn't press the button ;(
At the same time the worst thing that can happen to a Mac is to reinstall the OS, apps and any backup you may have in just under an hour at the most! Hardware related problems are nowhere to be found!
For those they say that their PCs with Win2k and/or XP are rock solid that's far from truth: I've seen Win2k servers crash on installing a network device or app, or even worse power-supplies burning, hard disks crashing, Geforce's not working ANY resolution above 1024x768, NAT services crashing, security holes, viruses and other stuff that you ALMOST never see at the Mac side of the force... Hell, I've seen PCs with XP rebooting themselves just by running Media Player on a fresh installation after a minute or two with ONLY office 2k and/or office XP installed... Modems disappear after turning off the PC and starting over again... CD-RW NOT burning disks or lose previously written contents!!! Inserting CDs, DVDs for 5 or 10 times and after that you cannot read optical media no matter what you do, only a reset will get things back to normal... I could go on and on but at M$, Dell, IBM, HP, Compaq, Intel sites and MANY other huge PC companies' sites ANYONE can read the BIG problems that Win2k and XP have... but hey: I forgot! Your PC with XP does not have any problems... Well I have news for you: The world has hundreds of millions of PC users out there and they DO have problems with Win2k AND XP and you know what? HUGE problems... Do you know how many human working hours have been lost on Wintel's avatar? Infinity! And that's only part of the problem because you see you lose time and money too! Time that you could read a book, watch a film or simply hang out with your friends... Money that you could buy that book or film-ticket...
Anyway, I think that no matter what I or anyone says, a Mac is a Mac and a PC is a PC... Which one is better? Mac of course... Why? Because:
-Crashes less than ANY windows version
-You can troubleshoot a Mac with less time and knowledge
-If looks can kill, Mac is a serial killer

-Mac's TCO is cheaper
-I can GUARANTEE to someone that his/her Mac will work with his Digital devices
-Mac has the iPod (I know that it works with PCs but NOT that good)
-You plug devices and they work even if you HAVE to install the drivers
-When you put your computer to sleep you can have that word processor or app open and still got it back when you wake your computer and after all said and done Mac does it faster and 99% of the time
-Mac has the eject button on the keyboard

-Mac has the Dock
-Mac has the Column View
-You can be sure that when you shut down your Mac that it will do just that while a PC, yes even with XP, will tell you something that says that you, the user, HAVE to END NOW that stupid app that doesn't respond ?!?!
-Viruses? What viruses?
-Security holes getting fixed in less than a week by Apple and not after a month or more like that M$ company or dare I say that M$ DOES NOT fix 'em at all

-iApps rule!
-When you install Mac OS X.x.x you can guarantee that old-Mac-fella that his 10 year old app and/or device will work with the new OS but can you say the same thing with Win2k and/or XP?
-You can be sure that in a presentation that you will make at your boss, your clients, your friends, et al. your Mac will not make you feel uncomfortable by crashing on you

-You do not restart your computer after installing a 400KB update or a simple system utility... Even when you MUST do that at a Mac you can log out and log back in!
-Mac is like wine and/or whisky... After some time, it works better and most reliable while a PC gets slow, slower, slowest and then dies... Mac's life is closer to human's life time while a Wintel PC's life is closer to dog's time

-Aqua looks and acts better than Luna in any area
-No System Restore! If XP was THAT good then it would not needed such a feature (or is it another problematic utility from M$, hmmm?)
-No Activation procedure... Since when I have to buy 2 or more XPs just to use them for my 3 or more PCs? No thanks! I can be sure that when I buy Jaguar I can install it at my 3 Macs (for home use) without letting Apple knowing if and when I do such a thing... What the fack? Since when I have to buy 2 or more DVDs, Audio CDs or games to use them in my car, in my wife's car, in my living room, console and/or DVD player et al? Come on! We all know that Activation Procedure is NOT democratic by any means and M$ MUST be punished for wanting to act Big Brother on their customers...
-You can listen to the music, burn that audio CD, download from the internet, read/write/view that presentation for your work, have misc apps open and ALL these in an iMac 500Mhz/512 RAM/20GB/CD-RW without worrying that the system will crash or anything...
-Hell, even M$ says that some features in their Office:Mac are MUCH better than their windows counterparts at their own site!
-Hardware/Software MEGA compatibility! You can be sure that TiBook/iBook/PowerMac/iMac et al. can use the same apps, devices/peripherals with NO problems...
-Airport: You cannot find a wireless network solution that works THAT good in a Wintel PC with any OS installed...
-No floppy!
-No COM, LPT, IRQ, DMA, etc. BS that you find in that arcane Wintel platform
-Gigabit ethernet
-Xserve + unlimited licenses = less money and headaches than ANY Wintel solution
-Mac OS 9.x.x... Yes, I know that is old but it still does MANY things that no new OS can do and also you can have it at the SAME time with the new OS... Can you say that with ANY Windows version? Nope! For God's sake they went on and decreased DOS support into a minimal one in the new Windows versions!
-Final Cut Pro + DVD Studio Pro + Cinema Tools
-Photoshop, Quark, et al simply work better at the Mac side of the force...
Oops! The time passed and I still write why I use a Mac: Well, enough time lost explaining, lets get back using my Mac