Why can't iTunes burn 80 minute audio cds?

Cause I don't think it's really good for the burner. I heard that it can cause damage to the CD-R and the laser since it's not designed to go past like 65 or 70.
It's very possible that you have different CD-RW drives. iTunes might recognize the drive, and refuse to go beyond 74 minutes because it might damage the drive.

Pure speculation, btw...
On my iMac G4 with the superdrive, I can burn audio CDs of 80 minutes. When I put one of them in, and the window comes up asking me how to initialize the disk, I choose itunes audio 74 min. Then from iTunes I can burn a full 80 minutes, even though I initialized it to 74 minutes. I think it is just a semantics thing.
My flat panel Mac (superdrive) works fine.
I have an external EZQuest FireWire burner which also burns upto 80mins.
I have a yamaha 20x10x40 firewire drive:

1. I'm using 24x discs
2. All other applications are killed, including the finder.;)
3. My disc is set to burn at 20x
4. No music is playing.

Yet, my yamaha drive burns no quicker than 8x? Why?

I had figured that I must be using the driver for some lower-level yamaha burner since one is not available for my drive. (Though last time I checked it was listed as a "supported drive." I wonder if "supported" necesarrily equals "fully functional.")

Has anyone else experinced a similar problem?
Matrix Agent:
I have a Yamaha 16x write firewire drive and I've had that happen to me once. I'm not sure why it was doing it, but it would burn at 8x instead of 16. Then all of a sudden it went back up to 16x one day. What kind of CD are you making and with what program? I wondered if iTunes drops the burn rate depending on your system if you are making an Audio CD from MP3s since it has to rip them while it burns.
79 Min audio CD's in iTunes, and Hybrids with the Finder, though I'm not sure about the Finder since my files are almost never any larger than 5 Mb.

I believe that iTunes first converts any files to AIFF before burning, its worth a check, but I do remember vividly having to wait before a burn to convert each file.
I think it extracts the mp3s as AIFFs in real time as it burns. Not 100% on this though...it just doesn't seem like that preparation time when you click "burn CD" is long enough to decode the MP3s.