Why did Apple include IE5 with Panther?

I would _like_ to see Apple include a choice of web browsers and E-Mail clients with Mac OS X. The installation process could include screens for it, asking you: "Which web browser do you want to use per default?" A list of three or four for each web and mail would be enough. A short description of each application could also be included. Of course, Safari and Mail.app would be preselected. (This would also show Microsoft how it could be done...)

Alas, I don't see Apple doing that. They've put the choice for webbrowsing into Safari and the choice for the default mail handler into Mail.app. I think that's a bad move. Users EXPECT to find these choices in System Preferences - and that's where it belongs. It's quite Microsoftish, in a way, how Panther handles this.

About IE 5 inclusion in Panther: I'd expect it to vanish from Mac OS X in the next version. There's no need to rush things like that. The default browser is Safari, that should be enough.
IE is still a must have, Safari still isn't at its full potential. Safari and flash still doesn't work together, not it's the shared objects, which worked fine in Jaguar.
Yeah, IE for compatibility reasons. What I don't understand is why they don't also include Mozilla or Netscape... I guess perhaps just for disk space reasons.

Have we heard anything on a Safari update for non-Panther versions of the OS? The fact that they haven't released one yet, or an updated X11, bothers me a bit. I hated the way they seemed to just abandon 10.1 shortly after the Jag release, I'm sure eventually it's going to really start rubbing the wrong way against users and corporations...
Urbansory said:
IE is still a must have, Safari still isn't at its full potential. Safari and flash still doesn't work together, not it's the shared objects, which worked fine in Jaguar.

In what cases? I haven't noticed any problems... Other embedded stuff, sure, but flash has been great for me.
Well I don't like to post projects that are in progress, so you will have to use the old (a bit buggy/ half ass interface design) mixer. :)


Make a mix, save it, reload, it will not save in Safari, but it will in IE.

Quick walk through.
1.Select bandwidth
2.Select a slot, then click new.
3. Click Import
4. Selec your sounds then hit the "+" to add to the library.
5.Press save.

Actually you can do just the first 2 steps then click save, that will save the date in the slots view for the selected slot, in Safari under 10.3, it always says empty. The new mixer is about 80%, killer interface, tons of new coding to fix bugs and added features.Blah, blah...
I need it to get my work webmail. Our mail is microsoft based and the webmail does not work with Safari. Plus Panther has a Microsoft exchange option with mail but it does not seem to work.

Unfortunately, most websites only support Microsoft Internet Explorer.

So I use Safari most of the time, but use IE when I encounter websites only made for IE.

Best Regards,
George Lien
Well, just for grins, I just now accessed my checking account online (Washington Mutual, by the way, in case anybody wants to switch—can't beat free checking and online banking accessible in Safari!), and it worked perfectly. Which goes to show, well, I'm not sure, but if anybody wants to switch banks... :)
My bank works too! I don't even keep a log of all the checks I write... It's just one click away.
I assume it didn't work for you in Safari either?

The mixer interface? Well thanks, I guess the new one is so much better that it just makes the old one look bad to me.
... no background musics etc, thus many sites seem better than they are :D

I must be lucky as the online banking I've needed to do has worked in Safari. But I'm not otherwise happy with the bank, so I won't mind changing the bank only because one bank would force me to use IE ;)
uoba said:
IE5 with Panther? Why would you put a now defunct browser, officially no longer developed? ...that is 2-3 years out of date with its capabilities.

Was it because of an existing agreement with M¢? Was it fear of anti-trust :D ? Perhaps they didn't want to scare OS9/legacy IE5 users?

My reasons for asking... it's becoming increasing frustrating trying to support an old browser that's had its day (especially since Safari's CSS support is so good.)

Good question. Maybe Apple has some agreement with MS. Unlike the above posts, I haven't found a site (knocking on wood) that I need to use IE for but I keep it around just in case. -john.
I'm glad you can all live without IE.


But this thread it getting very tiriing... Unsubscribing now...
Did you click the main play button? The library preview is the bottom right play button, the main play button is on the left above the timeline. But I guess he unsubscribed already.
I wonder if anyone else has found this problem and discovered a fix. When I upgraded to Panther, Safari will not load any webpage. It just hangs with a blank page. Doesn't even display the error message when the network is down. (Page not found). On the same iMac (graphite, 1GB ram) IE5 works just fine. Connection is Airport to Airport Extreme to DSL.

I have not upgraded to Panther on my other machines until I know how to fix this problem.

Look in 'System & Software' and/or use search. There are threads about Panther/Safari problems. And no: Haven't seen this problem.