Why do you place every single app in your dock?


OS X Friendly
It drives me nuts sometimes when I see someone's desktop and their dock takes the whole length of the screen. All this so they can have every app and folder right there in front of you.

I, mean, I like the quick simplicity of starting or accessing something, but try using a multi dock like DockFun to clean up the look.

I don't know if that is the minimalist in me coming out.
Why are you so worried about other people's docks? Maybe your minimalist bothers others?

Personally, it took a little time adjusting to it when I came over from Classic, but once I got it working for me.
Personally, I leave the big 'uns in the dock (Safari, iTunes, iPhoto, DVD player, iSync, iBert, mail etc) and a few folders (such as my applications, my documents, a "temporary holding spot", my .mac drive, a folder for games, a folder for imaging/players such as photoshop, quicktime, vcdx, etc, a work folder for apps such as in design, quark, illustrator, etc.
All of that may sound like a lot, but it's not. And I use rocket launcher for menu bar access to other apps I use, but not all of the time (voice box, yum, space, spring cleaning, secure delete, palm desktop/ical, fuzzy clock, etc).

But to each his own. Vive le difference.
They can do what they want but I seen this one desktop pic that had 89 icons on it.

Sad that I sat there and counted them. :( Oh well, my employer paid me for that time wasted. :)
I have 17 apps and 3 folders in Dock, excl. Finder. Those the apps I use on a daily basis. I also need to drag and drop on them very often.
I have only 19 apps in my dock, and they are sorted by category. One of the great things about the dock is that it is very easy and very personal.
I've got only the apps I use daily in my doc: Finder, iCal, Eudora, Safari, Camino, TeXShop, Start OpenOffice, OmniGraffle, iTunes, System Preferences, Terminal, X11, FinkCommander and then links & folders for the Desktop, Applications and the Trash. Doc's set to be quite small.
My desktop however tends to get quite cluttered with downloads & folder & icons. I have to tidy up a lot ...
my employer paid me for that time wasted
Is your employer hiring??

No I once had a dock headache. I was trashing a bunch of files, but the trash can did one of those little dodge moves and I ended up dropping like 30+ files into the dock. :eek:
Originally posted by Randman
Is your employer hiring??

I work third shift for an ISP/COLO/Hosting company. So, I am lucky to get 5-10 calls in a 10 hr shift. Leaves me alot of time to waste away and go crazy by myself.
I have the ones that i a) normally have on (that way i can arrange them in my favorite order) b) applications i likes to have handy when i want to impress a friend with macosX :) and C) applications (only one actually) that i like to drag documents to.
All in all 11 applications and two folders (one for aliases to applications and one for aliases to games).
have to admit i have quite a few in mine (27) but the dock is set to teh smallest and it takes up a little less that half the bottom of my screen. I find it convienent, and i also drag files on to apps that wouldnt normally open those files. Pictures for example preview or photoshop?

I dont find it in the least bit intrusive having a whole heap of icons. It just saves hunting around the apps/utilities/dev apps folders to geat at what you want!
I have only one item that is always in my dock: the Finder. Not that I'd notice, since it's hidden and all.

Application launching is done through MaxMenus, and switching is handled by LiteSwitch.

There's an alias of my trash can on my desktop. In the lower-right hand corner. Where it should be. :)
the stuff i normally have.. hmm... finder - notes - mail - terminal - camino - itunes - prefs - project builder - bbedit - address book ... all other are temporary. uh, i just notice i've got now 2 itunes on my dock. maybe i remove the 3 of there for now :eek:

right of addressbook, everything's just temporary or open. and i think my dock neads some cleaning.. :rolleyes:


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I was moving away from putting anything in the dock but minimized windows...but now that I have high speed access it's nice to have safari, mail, and stickies (for the occasional note) in my dock.

Most of my apps are still in TigerLaunch and folders are in A-dock
i only have 4 apps in my dock, the ones that i ALWAYS use (Mail, iTunes, Safari, MSN Messenger). The rest of the application i start up with Launchbar. Search for it! Best app evvveeeer! :D
Originally posted by senne
i only have 4 apps in my dock, the ones that i ALWAYS use (Mail, iTunes, Safari, MSN Messenger). The rest of the application i start up with Launchbar. Search for it! Best app evvveeeer! :D

I couldn't agree more. Whenever I use other people's computers, I always hit command-space when I want to load an app, and always get frustrated when I realize that I actually have to *look* for what I need. You can't go wrong with LaunchBar.
Originally posted by qwikstreet
I work third shift for an ISP/COLO/Hosting company. So, I am lucky to get 5-10 calls in a 10 hr shift. Leaves me alot of time to waste away and go crazy by myself.

Must be nice. I work for Alltel doing DSL tech support. (Actualy it's where I'm at now :D )

The longest I've been without a call today is about 5 minutes. But I guess we have our off days too. It's starting to slow down now that spring time is around. Winter isn't a fun time to be here :mad:

as far as my dock, the apps I have in it change periodicaly. It all depends on what I'm working on at the time. There are normaly about 10 apps that I use frequently that are in my dock. There are a few that get traded out depending on what I'm doing. Photoshop, indesign, imageready, flash, dreamweaver,...
I have 34 "permanent" items in my Dock (including the Finder & Trash). Anything else gets launched via LaunchBar. I use Dockless to keep stuff like Spell Catcher from adding to the clutter.