You can find the iChat/Inkwell part of the keynote here:*',%20'VideoNewsSearch1276',%20'height=460,width=660'
hope the link works as advertised. else: search for ichat on ... (windows media player plugin for osx required.)
Yes, there's file sharing & yes, iChat looks cool from what I saw on the video, although the UI seems to take up a *lot* of screen real estate. Guess we'll see. Ah, the instant finding of buddies on a network looks cool, too, although I won't need that much, I guess, as I already know people that work at my company (we're four persons that use ICQ).
I've just installed the new version of Fire (0.30.b) - and it *seems* to work fine for now, although it still doesn't have file exchange (which I don't need, anyway).
hope the link works as advertised. else: search for ichat on ... (windows media player plugin for osx required.)
Yes, there's file sharing & yes, iChat looks cool from what I saw on the video, although the UI seems to take up a *lot* of screen real estate. Guess we'll see. Ah, the instant finding of buddies on a network looks cool, too, although I won't need that much, I guess, as I already know people that work at my company (we're four persons that use ICQ).
I've just installed the new version of Fire (0.30.b) - and it *seems* to work fine for now, although it still doesn't have file exchange (which I don't need, anyway).