Why is Al-Jazeera down?

Originally posted by tazmandevil
But the shadow-side of this practique is not less dammaging the democracy than one or more "dictators" in the world.

You may very well be correct, then again things may turn out better than everyone in the world expects.

I ask myself, if you have seen the tv-interviews with iraki victims like wemens, children, mothers, old men and if you have seen the hate, that the bombardements with their "colateral dammages" has provocated. I heard, that your TV-Broadcasters does not show these News.

We have not seen the interviews. This may be because our media does not have acess to the many small towns and parts of Iraq that Aljazeera and other neutral countries have. However, our news media shows what collateral damage they can. However they do not show as much as the rest of the world. They refrain from showing pictures of dead Coalition soldiers.

Our media may be slanted, but don't fool yourselves. Your media is too. Every media group has its own agenda.

I guess, You have all not seen the Correspondent which filmed iraqi soldiers a with white flag, lying death in the sand, two days before Bush begun to claim; "Iraqi Soldiers are using dirty tricks".

I don't know about your media but we've been told that Iraqi Fadayeen and Republican guard are shooting regular Iraqi troops who attempt to surrender. These pro-Saddam forces have even been dressing in Western uniforms allowing the Iraqi regulars to surrender and then executing them. We were told of the uniforms before the war started.

(They does not have CruiseMissiles that let hundreds of people die, because of somebody 1000 miles away is pressing a red button, they does not have anymore rockets fliyng further than 100 miles

What about the chinese made Silk Worm missle that struck a mall in Kuwait last night? That missle went further than any missle Iraq is supposed to have. Another violation of UN resolutions.

they do not have there strength bombs as the US Army uses... what kind of strategy, Iraq should use other, than "partisan-guerillia-methods"? - Bundeskanzler Schröder and foreign-minister Joshka Fisher (Germany) was often telling from: "Americans never had a War like Europe had in Verdun, Stalingrad, Jugoslavia...")

I agree with you completely. Guerilla tactics are the best way for Iraq to fight this war, albeit not the most honorable. Then again American's often fought this way against the British during our Revolutionary War.

One is for sure; War always is "DIRTY" and wether George Bush, nor Saddam Hussein are gonna make it cleaner.

Agreed, war is a dirty business. Although it is necessary at times. If this is one of those necessary times, I'm not sure. However I do believe this war will benefit the people of Iraq.

I personally have family-members in Damascus (Syria) and I tell you, i've never seen so kindly, helpful people, often more, like them in "our" whole civilisated, democratic, free, industrialized and idealistic western world.

This is exactly why no one can put a group of people together and blame or hate them all. There are good people every where in every group. Whether they are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, European, American, Asian, etc.

If G.W.Bush is mounting this war over to Syria after Hussein is death, then it's my evidence, that he's gonna copy nothing!

It is sad that Syria is allowing volunteers to travel to Iraq and help Saddam. And that Syria is transporting weapons and other things to help Saddam. They might only lengthen the conflict, or ,God forbid, widen the war. However, I don't think America is stupid enough to take the war to Syria at this moment.

The arabic world is not the only world, that ticks other than the American. Also many European nations ticks very much other, than Arabic Nations, but too other than the American. It's a dangerous and illusionouse idealistic thesis, that America is "bombing" freedom and democracy to the world.

I may believe that democracy is the best. However, not every culture/Group is ready for democracy. Democracy is a government that must be embraced by the people. Even the American democracy isn't fully developed.

Democracys needed everywhere on the planet long times to grow and they ever failed by brought over by mighty wars.

Agreed. Democracy takes time. Hopefully some day the world will have a more pure form of democracy. Not even we here in America are a pure democracy. After all we are a Republic. As one of our founding father's once believed...the masses aren't intelligent enough to choose government. That job should be left to the educated land owners. A reason why we are a Republic and not a pure democracy.

*uff*.... sorry, it's a little difficult for me, to write in english, from time to time I need the dictionary. (Hope, I will learn it more better soon)

I take it that you are German? My major in college was German. I have been to Germany quite a few times and love your country and your people. I am saddened that this war has created such a rift between our people.