ie is by far the most crashes per uptime of any browser i use. opera is second. the only time icab ever crashes on me is when i attempt to send them mail to id a bug. (so i stopped doing that). none of the crashes seem to have anything to do with pop up windows. I haven't tryed any games or real 'muscle' programs since moving to osx because i don't have the time right now. the new appleworks 6.2.2 has solved all my problems with the only other program i use alot. It no longer crahes when trying to work on older docs. at least apple recognises their mistakes and fixes them in a reasonable amount of time. As for M$ being better in any way than any other apps or needed to conform to standards, i just don't care. I won't use their products except in case of emergency. the only reason i know how often ie crashes is because i have used it a little in order to know how to counter those who think it is the answer to all. Mussolini made the trains run on time in Italy, but at what cost?
M$ certainly is a dictatorship. Actually it probably resemble's Mao's communist regime more - promising great things for all the little people while creating as many headaches as solutions and the real rewards going to the corporation and Chairman Bill. Now, I don't really wish Bill any real harm. I would simply like to see him drop to being among the top 200-500 richest men in the world with Steve being a few notches above him. I don't think M$ should fold. Millions of people would be completely lost without someone to tell them exactly what to do. or someone to do it all for them, no matter how poorly it's done (aol provides another great example of this). I wonder what would happen to M$ if Bill were caught cheating on his wife?
I doubt if he has time, plus I heard he likes to compete with his wife by buying two versions of the same puzzle and seeing who can finish theirs first (what a warm loving guy). So, he may not cheat on her with other women, but I'm sure he cheats on various games and puzzles - just like he cheats in the market place - and I bet he comes up with the similar Clinton-esque excuses, rationalizations... where the meaning of simple words and phrases are debated ad nauseum.