Why is my old iMac going yellow?


I turned on my old indigo G3 iMac yesterday and noticed that the colors on the screen looked a bit off. It seemed to be tinted slightly yellow everywhere. When I watched the should-have-been gray Jaguar startup screen this morning, it was noticably yellowish, with a strip of blue right at the very top.

Anyone know where this came from?? It hasn't been getting gradually more yellow--I just turned it on and it was yellow all of the sudden.

Any suggestions?
This happened to my friend's indigo G3 iMac a while back, the screen turned strange tints for a while and eventually the video board fried, ruining the entire machine.
that is NOT what i wanted to hear.... but do you know if this could be fixed at all? maybe with a new video card?
I don't quite see why it should be the video board, I'd rather say it's the CRT that's about to die.
But, first, have you tried to degauss the monitor?
Originally posted by DGNMRWRW
how can i degauss it?

In OS 9, in the Monitors control panel, and in OS X, in the Geometry tab in the Displays pref pane :)

But it's most likely the CRT tube that needs to be replaced.
Yupz... death of the CRT. My Rev A iMac just retired from service. Waiting for a new screen. And chilling out in the corner of my living room as a display at the moment.

Sorry, but that is the truth.
Ok, not sure what this means, but I woke up this morning, and the iMac appears fine..... not even a hint of the yellow and blue that i had been seeing.

So is it fine? Can I quit worrying? Or do I still need to worry about the CRT?
You should probably still get it checked out. It could very well be the CRT rather than the video chipset...it was just the video chipset in the case of my friend's iMac. You can't just replace it either, since it is integrated into the motherboard, you'd need a whole new motherboard. Hopefully it's just your CRT which would be a bit les expensive to replace.
Or you will have one nice living room display like mine. Good luck, and get it checked. Nothing is worse than a Mac dying on you when you need iPhoto to offload some pics when your digital camera is full over the festive seasons.