why is this here?


happy (again)
iPaq ? frick that. Cut off this part of the forum. It is just taking up space. Making load time longer No one has posted anything her for over 30 days! Death to the windoze CE forum. eheh :)
You are a loser Nummi. If your mom saw what you were doing she would smack you. You know that without a Windows CE forum the world would blow up. JEEEZZZZ YOU ARE SO STUPID.
dooooooooooooo your boobs hang low, do they wobble...

can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow...

OMG... computer so boring now... need G-Friend now....
Lets give it up for M$ Word and Powerpoint. whhhhooooooooohhhooooooooo.!!!!

Are those not the best apps in the world? JK! I had to drop my Multimedia pres. class cause we were going to use powerpoint all year. F THAT!.
hehehehe NARF !