WHY is window resizing so slow still in macos x and so fast in Windows 2000?

windows xp does not have bad window resizing. it's way faster and better then mac os 10.1 on any machie i have used.
I can't speak for WinXP because there is no way I am forking over another $150 to Microsoft just so they can tell me how much of my computer I can alter before I have to get a code to avoid being locked out.

But I do use Win2000 on a PIII/800, and can attest that Window resizing on it (with a 32MB RivaTNT2 nVidia card) is just about the same as OS X on a G4/400 and up. The resize is a little more responsive, but at the same time, the window "flickers" during resize, something I never see on any Mac running OS X. And OS X has much more math to do on Window resizes than Win2000 - remember EVERYTHING in OS X is anti-aliased, which adds a lot of math. Also, compare the drop shadows on both OS's Windows. OS X's looks much nicer. And a final point - Icons. OS X's Icons are 128x128, even when they are set to be smaller, the system still has to deal with the extra info each icon has, as opposed to Win2000 which uses 32x32 Icons, with support for 48x48.

Still, I wish Apple would just give us an option to disable it so people who get themselves all worked up over it can just shut it down and move on to their next complaint....
Originally posted by SCrossman

They said the same thing when processors were running at 12mhz back on the 80286. Reaching the 100mhz barrier was unachievable, in their minds. They also said Apple was dead too. Believe what you want, it will happen.

You tit. You obviously don't know jack about processor design. More MHz is NOT the answer. You're an apple owner, you should know this by default. Intel's next gen processor is going to start out at 800MHz...less than HALF of the current P4s. This is because THE CLOCK MAKES TOO MUCH OVERHEAD. Making a bazilion ghz chip is not how they are going to make faster chips.

Motorolla has already applied for patents on optical circuitry and all the chip makers have R&D teams for clockless chips. The way computers grow, in 4 years time, the clock will be a thing of the past and we will be measuring speed via benchmarks [the way it should be done].

At any rate, this is not what this thread is about. It is not necessary to have a dual 800MHz G4 to have smooth window resizing. Apple will provide us with a solution, but there are many more issues that needed to be addressed first...such as CDR & DVD support.

And your Fahrvergnuugen cannot go 160mph either too.
You obviously don't know anything about Paul's Cars.
Originally posted by nevir
You tit. You obviously don't know jack about processor design.

And you are so smart you have to resort to calling me names. What does my comments about the future speeds of CPU have to do with my knowledge of processors?
I know about clockless CPUs, but that has nothing to do with my comments. I was also building logic boards with discreet components using CMOS 4000 series chips many years before you were born.
Tell me old wise one, looking into your crystal ball, when will they stop increasing the clock of a computer, at what frequency?

You obviously don't know anything about Paul's Cars.

I know I don't, and you know all. I never met Paul, let alone his cars.
Come on people, window resizing works. That's all it has to do. Does slow window resizing prevent you from doing your work? Hell no. Get a life. I can't believe people bitch about pointless little differences between Mac OS X and Windows XP. What do you do all day? LIVE in front of your computers wasting time resizing windows and running the cursor along the dock watching icons expand and shrink in size? Just accept that there are some little sacrifices in life and leave it alone.

Oh this can't be! Oh MY! No!.... Those PC zombees are beating us! Say it an't so Steve!


Its not about windows resizing keeping us away from working. Its about Mac OS X window resizing looking ugly, because it is so slow. Why do we all have Macs? Not just because they have faster processors, but also because they look nice and the have a nice OS. Thats y most Mac users complain about the ugly window resizing...:)
I hate to break it to you guys, but clockless chips are what the future is. If you dont believe me, head to slashdot or some good techie website and do a search on them.

Heh, he called you a tit. I have only heard that out of old monty python videos. :)
How come the windows in Opera can be resized smoothly? They have shadows and all the other eye candy. It can't be such a big deal.