Why Isn't Toolbar Showing After Startup?


Mac Convert for Life
Hi, guys!

My computer was shut down, then I started it up and it booted up with icons showing (Airport, battery, time, etc.) but no actual toolbar strip. Never seen that before! So, I clicked on Finder in the Dock and then the toolbar showed like normal. I rebooted just to test it and ever since then it's booted up fine with the toolbar strip and icons.

Any idea what caused it that one time?

Thanks in advance. :)
One-time glitch? Choose reason from list below:
Too cold!
Too hot!
Don't watch screen for one-time glitches during boot
Always watch screen for one-time glitches during boot

(most likely cause) The earth shifted on its axis, so the Coriolis effect caused a momentary shift in the flux lines, resulting in computer disruption - and only yours :D

Sorry this is not too serious - but looking for a cause for a situation that may never repeat is only guesswork.
IMHO - nothing to be concerned about unless it happens again on its own - or if you can make it happen again (so it can be duplicated)