"Why MacWorld must die"


mac shaman
the latest from David Coursey at ZD Net offers his predictions for this macworld and some criticism for the whole event. click here to read it.

i especially like this prediction -
Apple will do something in software that really gets into Microsoft's face. I am hoping it's turning the Mac Mail client into a Microsoft Exchange client, but I don't really think that's what it will be.
I personally believe that macworld is more trouble than it is worth. Every macworld people get these huge expectations, and rumors flood the forums, and everyone's hyped up, and often it ends up being nothing more than a previe of Jaguar and iSync.
In the end though, it gives you something to look forward too, and the cult followers we are, we need a little hope for tomorrow.

"# Apple will do something in software that really gets into Microsoft's face. I am hoping it's turning the Mac Mail client into a Microsoft Exchange client, but I don't really think that's what it will be."

No thanx, i prefer mail.app :) it0s small, has good spamfilters and works. no M$-style crap please ...

>>>> see the advert on that page to M$ produtcs.

Uh, the writer looks like a windows user.
Giaguara, what he meant was making Mail.app work as a MS Exchange client. That would mean no real change to the way the app looks and feels. It would, however, take away from MS's monopoly by allowing people to access MS mail servers using something other than Outlook, etc.

However, I don't think this is something we're likely to see. The last thing Apple would want to do is show any support or recognition for MS created 'standards' that compete with agreed open standards.
I am not sure how "in your face" making an exchange client would be considering that Apple would have to have probably paid M$ for rights to be able to connect to their servers - none the less be able to develop it w/o their help.
Apple will do something in software that really gets into Microsoft's face

aah, it will obviously be an Apple-branded browser which will be way better than IE and compatible on both platforms! :rolleyes:

Wouldn't that be cool?
I'd be happy to be proven wrong but I don't think that Steve can sell quite as well without a live crowd in front of him. I love iPhoto. I'm not sure I'd love it as much (it's just a low end picture manager) if I didn't see Steve sell it to me with his great music and photos of an employee's kid.

Would the iMac have been a hit if Steve didn't sell it? I'm not sure. Macworld needs to exist so that Steve can pitch his great products. Steve Jobs might be a good CEO, I'm not sure. He might be a good manager, I doubt I'd work for him. However, there is no doubt in my mind that's he's one of the best salesman alive today. Apple needs Macworld so that Steve can do his thing.

I hope Apple makes a great but affordable phone. I'm in the market for a new one.

Originally posted by xaqintosh
I personally believe that macworld is more trouble than it is worth. Every macworld people get these huge expectations, and rumors flood the forums, and everyone's hyped up, and often it ends up being nothing more than a previe of Jaguar and iSync.

I agree with Vanguard. As much trouble as Macworld is, and as high as expectations rise, that's the point of it. Apple may encounter difficulties, but I'm sure Steve thinks this is hardly a problem. For both his ego and the image of the company he needs these huge venues.

My opinion is that Apple should receive no pity. If they so choose to create an atmosphere of secrecy and media pomp, then they get what they deserve, good or bad. It's par for the course: If you're going to put out invitations for a big show, you need to have a big show to back it up.

I think Coursey's view is once agian far too limited (at least from that small quote I just read :D). In the end, it effects few people whether or not Mail.app can access MS's mail servers. I think the mac community is problably the worst demographic for a development like that.

I hope to see more than the likes of 802.11g or Bluetooth. I want to see something *interesting*. Something that sparks the imagination, whether it involves 3D screens or environmental adaptation, as unlikely as either are. I would be satisfied to see something surpisingly nice, such as rendevous (sp?). That was a quality product with realistic applications, and it excited people in all camps.