luv my lil' malteaser
Hey all...being somewhat new to these here boards I've been trying to figure something out. Why is it that there is what seems to be a hatred for all things AOL related? LOL...I'm almost afraid to admit around here that I've been an AOL user ever since it started (man, those were the pre WWW days!) and I've never had any problems with it. Customer service has always been friendly and helpful, and pretty much wherever I've gone I have been able to find a local access number. It's easy enough to use for my parents, who aren't that great at using computers, and IM lets me talk to all of my friends with no hitches. I've never had a problem with the software and don't see why AOL is so villified round these parts. Is there something I'm missing? I mean, they must be doing something right when Microsoft has targeted them now for years and has tried to do whatever they could to share the IM members.
And on that same note, what is the same hatred for Netscape caused by? I remember back in the day I used Communicator all the time and never had any problems. Did they become the "enemy" when AOL acquired them? I don't really know...
Sorry if this post makes some of you roll your eyes (like this --->
), but I'm a curious one.
Uh oh...but wasn't it curiousity that killed the cat? *gulp*
*Izzy holds Pismo in front of his head, braces himself for responses*
(I mean, they wouldn't do anything to hurt a powerbook now would they? would they?!)
And on that same note, what is the same hatred for Netscape caused by? I remember back in the day I used Communicator all the time and never had any problems. Did they become the "enemy" when AOL acquired them? I don't really know...
Sorry if this post makes some of you roll your eyes (like this --->
Uh oh...but wasn't it curiousity that killed the cat? *gulp*
*Izzy holds Pismo in front of his head, braces himself for responses*
(I mean, they wouldn't do anything to hurt a powerbook now would they? would they?!)