Why won't Apple let me buy a Mac without a Keyboard???

Pengu is correct, it is whining. If you're so intent on leaving a keyboard off, don't order it online, go in person and tell them that you don't want a keyboard with your purchase. Of course, don't expect any discount. Why? Because that's the way Apple does business.
Or, as has been suggested in this thread many times, sell it and be done with the bloody thing.
At first I thought the point was minor and this was all just whining, but I started thinking about it...

It makes sense that I'd need a keyboard/mouse, but I also don't like being forced to buy ones I don't WANT. Though I love the styling of the mouse, I just refuse to use a one-button mouse anymore. I put up with it for a year, and just won't do it anymore, it's ridiculous. I'd pay $10 extra for a *real* mouse.

I also hate the new "Pro" keyboards bundled with all the systems. The old Pros were nice, but for some bizarre reason they were "trimmed down". I don't want one. I'd rather just pay the full price (more money to Apple!) for a FULL Apple Pro keyboard.

I'd have to say I agree with Inoellstarr for both his and my reasons.

Come on Apple, give me that $500 headless system... You can do it, you know you want to... I'll buy one, and so will 6 of my closest family/friends! (slightly offtopic)
Even in the PC world if you don't want all the extra stuff included you build your own computer from parts. If you go to a generic computer store you get what they sell, good luck customizing it. If you order from Dell or Gateway, etc. online, there's still a lot of stuff you can never leave off (like all the crappy bundled software that comes pre-installed) and keyboards/mice.

Now I would be all for Apple letting me buy parts individually like motherboards (I guess Apple calls them 'logic boards'), cases, etc. but Apple's hardware designs don't really fit the Do-It-Yourself market considering that there basically is no standard motherboard size, case size, etc. between lines of machines.

Even if Apple left the keyboard and mouse out, I really doubt it would save you more than $10. I bet they are significantly marked up at the store. Selling them later would probably make you more money back anyway.
LOL this thread is a riot. 7 years ago when you purchased a Mac it didn't come with a keyboard and people said "Why do I have to pay extra for a keyboard?" eventually the whole industry started bundling keyboards with their computers leading to the inevitable "I'm hot happy with the keyboard provided, why can't I just purchase the computer without one?" .

There are legit reasons why. Apple needs to ship fully compliant systems. Meaning ship you a computer that guarantees that it work. If they ship you a computer without a keyboard and you run into an issue that requires using a keyboard command upon startup..but you bought that whizzbang wireless Logitech that doesn't support these commands what are you are better yet Apple supposed to do? Best thing to do for Apple is ship a KB that works and let you replace it. Personally I think it's a good idea to have a secondary KB just in case something happens to your primary KB.
What Apple really needs to do is sling out some keyboards that match the newer product lines the same way that the new displays do.

You've got your brushed metal G5, brushed display with a brushed iSight on top and perhaps a brushed iPod mini on the table...and then that white (or black if you've got one) plastic keyboard.

Sure, it's not a big deal and I love the 3 pro keyboards I have. I'd just like to see them finish out the accessories with keyboards that flow with the rest.

Wouldn't really be a practical thing to do, though. After all, why make 2 different styles when you can just ship one with everything?
They used to ship two styles (pro, and consumer) keyboards. I do agree though that we need a newer design keyboard/mouse.