Why won't be understand...

HAHAHAHAH "when won't be understand!" hahahha I posted this at 3 in the morning and as you can see I was extremely tired! I think what I meant to say was "When will we understand..." lol -Ry
Originally posted by RyanLang
HAHAHAHAH "when won't be understand!" hahahha I posted this at 3 in the morning and as you can see I was extremely tired! I think what I meant to say was "When will we understand..." lol -Ry

Tired or drunk? :p

What I want to know is how he got the Apple in the top left corner to stay blue while the windows scroll bars and function buttons are graphite?

Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to have over looked such an obvious discrepancy.
[ Skeptical person talking here ]

Notice he has a PowerBook sitting on the desk -- and a LOT of really tiny tools. I think he somehow hooked the Palm to the PowerBook's video out port and is somehow using the Palm as an external monitor -- and the hard drive attached to the back of the Palm is hiding the connections he rigged.

Again, that's my skeptical side talking.
Pff.. are you guys kidding? If you saw the original movie, the creator (whether it's our dear ksv or not ;) ) picked up the Palm device, turned it around, and showed it booting up. You could CLEARLY see there were no cables extending from the Palm device. It was an obvious prototype.

Of course, that's still a really hideous device and I hope Apple's not gonna market something like: "Buy a Palm handheld, a hard drive, and make your own Apple PDA for free!" :D ;)