Why working on PB Pro but not PPC G4?


I have a serious problem that drives me crazy here. I have a dreambox (Linux based) decoder and my TV is broken so I used my PB Pro to watch n change channels from the web interface (Safari & Firefox). When the 64 bit Safari came out I could not get the stream for some reason. So I runned it on 32 bit.

Now my PB Pro also is broken and in for repair so I tok out my good old Powerbook G4 Alu, running OS X 10.58. And hey, the streaming is not working in any browser?!? I made sure that I have the newest VLC plugins and player as this is used for the streaming.

Now I was thinking to paste the code of the streaming window that opens for the stream, if some clever guy can understand why it wont stream? I think there maybe is a javascript problem. Only a guess.

Good to know is that I can stream direct to VLC Player and that works fine. But a darn hustle to change channels etc.

What ever the answer, I really would like to know whats going on?!?

Her is the code:
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Hmm don't think so as this is a multiplatform and multibrowser thing. I don't think the code goes: aouch a AMD processor, them we don't like. Or PPC processors? But I'm not sure.

It just BATHERS me :( And as the decoder uses Linux, maybe there should be a fix?