
mr. k

I was just wondering why it is that whenever I download something off the internet I get at least 80 kb/s and about 230 at low use time (off cable internet) but whenever i fire up limewire or another dl program like that I never get any more then 30 kb/s and normally more around 6. Could it just be that so many people are using the connection? Its really bugging me.
yeah you answered your own problem. its just prime time and everyone is on and also on the net it depends on the opposite connection and those users
It also depends on what speed the people you are getting the files from have their uplaods set to. They can "cap" you off at anywhere from 4-400k/sec or something like that so that people downloading music from them don't suck up all their bandwidth.

The speed you get all depends on the person you're downloading from.
So in short you mean dun download from jerks who is out there with a lot of files but want to make your life miserable by setting a low bandwidth for you? LOL..
Use XNap to get faster download rates (10/15 Kb/s)
Use Carracho to get huge download rates (40/45 Kb/s when you know the admins !)