Wierd installer behavior.


I've searched the net and can't find any reference to this strange problem. When I click on a package to install it, nothing happens. When I choose "open with" my installer program is under two "files" both are "c9kn29.html"

I need to choose the regular installer program to work since c9kn29.html is the default. I've searched my system with spotlight and File Buddy and can't find this file anywhere on my system, either using the full name or just the name without extension. I don't know if a virus might act this way, but something is weird.

I don't know where else to search. If anyone has any suggestions as to a solution (I would LOVE to be able delete this invisible file) or a forum that might be able to help, please please please advise!

You could select the installer package, and choose File --> Get info.
Then, under "Open with" change it to the installer program.
Then, click the option to use the setting for all files of that type.
If you double click the installer package now, it should act as you expected.
Thanks for trying, but it doesn't work. I get the message that I must change all c9kn29.html files to be opened by the installer; click "continue" happily; and nothing happens. I've made sure my permissions are OK in the disk utility.

I wonder if I cross post this on all the forums I find if someone will know something about this miserable html file? I'm about ready to reformat and start over :-(

I do appreciate your response. Thank you!
What happens if you select a package file then Right (or Control) click it and choose Installer.app to open it with?

You may need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list and choose “other” to find Installer in the Applications/Utilities folder.
Sorry. You can tell I don't check my mail every day.

If I remember to right click and choose installer, it works. If I forget, nothing happens and I try again with the right click; but it makes me nervous having these files that I can't find on my system, seem web related and I can't get rid of.

I invested in Intego Netbarrier and found the address (the numbers, can't think of the correct word for them) then added a rule to deny that address any communication with my computer. It actually denied access once. When I find an extra few minutes I'll send an email to Intego and see if they know anything about this or it is harmless.

Thank you for responding!