WiFi Adapter for iMac G3?


Hello. I've used PCs & Linux/Unix systems for many, many years, but I am totally new to Macs. I recently bought a used iMac G3. Can someone recommend a good, inexpensive way of WiFi-ing this unit? I have a wireless network & would like to allow the Mac to have web access.

The machine is running MacOS 10.3.

Thanks for your help & time. I appreciate it.
You could pick up a USB-dongle type wireless adapter - they are fairly common nowadays and don't cost much.
Thanks for the reply. I actually have one, though not sure if it there are MacOS drivers. I will try it when the Mac arrives.

Does OS X automatically recognize those dongle type devices? Thanks.
Yes and No. It will see it in About this mac/usb but it probably won't work without a driver. What is the name/number of the dongle? There should be a 3rd.Party driver available.
Thanks for the kind follow up. It is a US Robotics 5422. I don't know that it has a Mac driver.