WIFI Compatibility Thread


Hi All,

I wanted to share my networking experiences in case anyone needs the info.

1) Bought a Buffalo wifi-g router and repeater ($160 for the kit) which work perfectly with my Airport Extreme base station in WDS mode. (WDS is not a WIFI standard, so this was a godsend, since 2 more APBS's would have put me back $400-$500.)

2) Bought a Belkin wifi-g card for my desktop G4 because I wanted wifi g in that machine, and Apple only makes wifi b for that machine. The Belkin card also works flawlessly.

Would be interested in others' experiences in compatibility/incompatibility of 3rd-party devices with Apple products.

I would love to put the airport card from my tibook to the one of my ibook and get myself a new 802.11g card bus. I read about many third party drivers that work with some cards. Did anyone every try to build a thirdparty wifi card and successfully use it?
Not really the idea of this thread, but I hope no one will mind ;)
larry, Thanks!

it was your post here that convinced me that I shouldn't settle for wifi b on my G4 Dual 867(in a wifi b/g LAN) just 'cause it isn't in Apple's Airport Extreme handbook... I picked up an 802.11 g Belkin PCI wifi card with an antenna at a local CompUsa for $50 and it works like a charm... :D
Well, since I don't know if there are any third party cards for apples native airport bus, I used "build". I am actually aiming at my tibook with card bus. In other words: any way to get airport extreme (802.11g) work on my tibook which only supports 802.11b? Theoretically it should, but I would love to know if someone tried it yet
I was curious about this as well.

i'm on the market for a wireless G card for my pismo, but don't know what my options are.

did the pismo have the internal hookups for airport cards? if so, are there any third party cards?

I'm aware i can use the PC slot, but would rather it be internal.

lastly, will any of those third party cards work with the native apple drivers?

My work laptop (Wallstreet II PowerBook G3 running Jaguar) is happily running wirelessly using a Cisco Systems Aironet 340 PC Card to access a first-gen Apple Airport Basestation. I actually had to open it up and replace a capacitor on the power supply that went bad about 2-3 years ago. Apparently it's a common thing on the first gen ABS since Apple used underpowered caps for the power supply. It is so common that there are sites that tell you how to replace the blown caps. Sure, you could send it to Apple for a fix or replacement, but where's the fun in that???

And a fun project it was, and the ABS is still going strong... :D