Wiki notepad suggestions, for Windows + Mac + Linux


Chmod 760
Staff member
Not really converting from Windows to Mac with this but .. could be practical for the converts too.

What I want is a simple notepad type application that allows wiki editing and export. Something much like WikidPad - but which is stable and does not kill or corrupt the database once a month. I like WikidPad, but I am really frustrated that it has betrayed me already 3 times in a few months, killing the database and those files that were not saved the day before as html or something. No more chances... the last time this database corruption occurred was simply after restarting the PC. It definitely needs to be more stable.

Ideally something that would also be workable on Windows, Mac and Linux.
If stored in Web, needs ACL.

I've got currently DokuWiki hosted on a Mac Pro but that is for project files - what I need is a personal notepad, but it needs wiki. This one would more ideally be on XP Pro. Or totally platform independent.

Suggestions? I had a look on zulu pad, but have no clue how to build from source on Windows ... no documentaion out there.

Zoho wiki could be an alternative, if it wasn't stored on external server.

Tried Instiki, didn't like..

Would anyone have some good suggestions? :)
I've been using MoinMoin Desktop Edition on my work PC. It's not *exactly* what you're after since it is essentially just a wiki server that you load in the background and access through your web browser at localhost, but I've found it does the job for me.
I tried deki wiki
Needs to keep WS or player running for it ...
Ideally soemthign that if it would need the web access, I'd just point it to to get the maximum out of ACLs. After playing half a day, I didn't find an easy way for ACL (found in the end a way but page by page access) and still didn\t figure how to make wiki links :-/
I'll give a shot for moinmoin, can't be worse. :)
TextEdit on Windows side?

I tried a few wikis that were in virtual machines too as those would be the most portable ones.

And this one seems to be most what I looked for - so a Jumpbox VM for DokuWiki. As it is stored in a virtual machine, I can bring the virtual machine if I need it with me on another computer even on a memory stick.
And I've never had database issues with Dokuwiki while using it for a few years at work for team pages.
Plus .. well, I can copy pages easily from an existing dokuwiki to it.
