I am not trolling, and frankly I don't care what you think anymore.
I found this board to be very inactive and boring... Everyone talks about the same stupid things, no one seems to admit anything good from pc side. And no real discussion goes on about anything other than MS bashing, apple commercials and steve is God.
I find spymac.com to be a much better board, more open mindness, alot less bias and stubborness. Members actually discuss and give fair opinions. Never did i see one post ppl saying Mac rules pc sucks, or the either way around.
I have stated good things about Macs, but you simply bit my hand off for that... as somehow i have become an Mac fanatic that now thinks pc sucks because of my imac purchase. There are shades of grey, its never black or white. Anyways, enough of this drivel.
I should say there were a few who were open minded on this board, but most of the time, its the mac little kiddies who simply like to interrupt decent conversation and sway them back how macs are superior than pcs.
Btw, thank you for admitting that you are an elitist, it simply another word for saying snob.
You can ban if you want, this board is dead anyways.
I found this board to be very inactive and boring... Everyone talks about the same stupid things, no one seems to admit anything good from pc side. And no real discussion goes on about anything other than MS bashing, apple commercials and steve is God.
I find spymac.com to be a much better board, more open mindness, alot less bias and stubborness. Members actually discuss and give fair opinions. Never did i see one post ppl saying Mac rules pc sucks, or the either way around.
I have stated good things about Macs, but you simply bit my hand off for that... as somehow i have become an Mac fanatic that now thinks pc sucks because of my imac purchase. There are shades of grey, its never black or white. Anyways, enough of this drivel.
I should say there were a few who were open minded on this board, but most of the time, its the mac little kiddies who simply like to interrupt decent conversation and sway them back how macs are superior than pcs.
Btw, thank you for admitting that you are an elitist, it simply another word for saying snob.
You can ban if you want, this board is dead anyways.