Will an iBook G3 500MHz dual USB take PC133?


Apple Avid
i have an iBook G3 (500MHz with 128M RAM - PC100) and was wondering if it can take PC133. I would like to purchase a 512 chip to max it out to 640 (that ibook model goes to 640, right?). so far the cheapest i've found is 105 from dealram. thanks in advance
According to Comp TIA, it is acceptable. Im sure you do realize this, but just in case you don't, remember the ram will only run at pc100 speeds.

Currently I have a beige that is supposed to use pc66 ram and I have a pc133 stick in there. It works fine.

So there you have it, both documented, and tested :)

Don't forget to statically discharge yourself before installing the chip :)
Almost all RAM made (today at least) is backwards compatible. I have a 512mb 133 chip in my iBook, no problems. The beige has 3 sticks of 256mb 133 in it, never a problem with that either.

On word of caution, make sure you pay attention to the brand on the RAM. Somtime's there are issues with RAM, so you're better off buying something that's known to work with the Macs beforehand.

Macsales.com has a PC100 512mb chip (OWC100SO512328L) for $118. They also have a PX133 512mb chip (OWC133SO512328L) for $120.

Crucial.com has a PC133 512mb chip (CT245989) for $125.00.

The one I have in my iBook is by Centon and available at Circuit City (http://www.circuitcity.com/detail.jsp?c=1&b=g&u=c&catoid=-10263&qp=0087831650516&oid=50026&m=0) for $130 right now. I think I wound up paying $99 for mine back in January, some sale or something. It works just fine though in the iBook.
I read and was told all current memory chips are just "one step" backward compatible. A PC100 would work on 66mhz as well while PC133 at least needs 100mhz fsb. I think the G3 500 is running at 66mhz. My G3 600 has 100mhz fsb and I remember this was the reason why I went for the G3 600 and not G3 500. In that case I wouldn'T be sure if the PC133 mem works.
yes the bus on the ibook is 66mhz. well thanks for the info guys, but after talking to my mom it looks like she likes the speed at 384M RAM (its her computer and after she broke it i went in and fixed it and put in a 256 chip from my old pismo). ill see if i can still get her to buy a 512.
Zammy-Sam said:
I read and was told all current memory chips are just "one step" backward compatible....In that case I wouldn'T be sure if the PC133 mem works.

Works just fine on the beige, and it's definitely PC66 (Aug 1998, beige desktop case, g3 300). There's been 3 Kingston PC133 chips in it since OS X 10.0 was released.

According to Centon (http://www.centon.com/faqmemory.htm#q45) theirs will work at any speed.
mdnky said:
Works just fine on the beige, and it's definitely PC66 (Aug 1998, beige desktop case, g3 300). There's been 3 Kingston PC133 chips in it since OS X 10.0 was released.

According to Centon (http://www.centon.com/faqmemory.htm#q45) theirs will work at any speed.

YMMV - - I generally use PC-133 in Biege G3, seems to always work. but I have a customer that wanted 1 GB ram in their B&W G3, a 256 MB PC-133 stick was only recognized as 128 MB. They had 3 identical B&Ws, same result on all. My deduction is the multiple step up (PC-66 bus to PC-133 RAM) is a 'try-it and see if it works'! I'm swapping these out for PC-100, which I know will work, but PC-133 is a little easier to find now.
DeltaMac said:
My deduction is the multiple step up (PC-66 bus to PC-133 RAM) is a 'try-it and see if it works'! I'm swapping these out for PC-100, which I know will work, but PC-133 is a little easier to find now.

Did the ship specifically state it was backwards compatible, or PC133 only? There are some out there that aren't backwards compatible so that was probably the issue you had.
mdnky said:
Did the ship specifically state it was backwards compatible, or PC133 only? There are some out there that aren't backwards compatible so that was probably the issue you had.

Even if the supplier states that it is 'backwards compatible', then whatever actually works is the only success here. This same chip that works in a beige G3, does not work in a B&W G3, a newer system (go figure)
You can only use what works, regardless what the chip suppler states.
The fact remains that a 2 generation jump (PC-66 to PC-133) sometimes works, sometimes does not work, even with the same type system, and same brand chips supplied by the same supplier. I'm speaking as a tech, from experience upgrading hundreds of Macs. a few systems are very finicky about 'correct' memory, especially to 'max' out the memory. The B&W G3 is a pain, also older iMacs (updating firmware can help, but not all systems have that as an option)