will Apple redesign thier mouse?


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Since OS X 10.x seems to get more and more support for the two button mouse and scrolling wheel, will Apple make a new multi-button mouse in the near future. I use a multi-button mouse on my work machine running OS X 10.0.4 adn I have the Apple Pro Mouse the I use with my powerbook, and I have come to really like the scrolling wheel and the right click....

I hate to say it but i hope so. I like my three button mouse at home. One button is cool but it may be time to upgrade to three button mice.
I would kind of doubt it, as much as I would love to see it happen. When OS X was first coming out, there were reports that OS X had native support for a ton of buttons (I seem to remember the number being somewhere around 8 to 10), and yet Apple has stuck to their zero-button mouse. This could be wrong, of course, since I have yet to see a mouse that supports five buttons in OS X. However, even though using a second button in OS 8 and 9 has become exceptionally useful, they have stuck to their guns. Or gun. One of them.
Well...the thing is that the one button mouse is a staple and a copyright of apple I think. Maybe a one button from mouse with 2 side buttons hehehe :D
The mouse I have been using since 10.0.0 on my work machine is a MS Optical Intellimouse, it has 4 buttons and a scrolling whell/button. The left and right click buttons work as the should, the scrolling wheel works in many apps, but not in the Finder (but I understand this is supported in 10.1). When I double-click with any of the other buttons on the title bar of a window , the window is minimized.

I would really like to see Apple make the move to a multi-button mouse system, it only makes sense. It would prevent people like me from bying a mouse from Microsoft or others.
Seems to me that if some redesign will happen in the future apple will probably concentrate on infrared cable less ones.
Either that or something funky never seen before...only Appple can!:D
Originally posted by holmBrew
The mouse I have been using since 10.0.0 on my work machine is a MS Optical Intellimouse, it has 4 buttons and a scrolling whell/button. The left and right click buttons work as the should, the scrolling wheel works in many apps, but not in the Finder (but I understand this is supported in 10.1). When I double-click with any of the other buttons on the title bar of a window , the window is minimized.
<p>I have the same mouse on my G4 and have enjoyed it very much; however, I have been wondering when Microsoft was going to release the Intellipoint software for OS X. The last time I checked they were still only offering it for OS 9, but right now I can't get to their site for some reason to check.</p>
I don't think Microsoft will be porting their Intellipoint software. I believe it was based on USB Overdrive, which I read somewhere wasn't being ported anytime soon. I would love to be wrong on this, though, as my Kensington Orbit can't last forever...
Or should I say.... zero-button mice? :D

I was reading another commentator complaining about Apple's Pro Mouse, also citing that a having only 1 button is very limiting. However, a feedback response made a very good point: Apple can't make a mouse that fits the likings of all people. Some people, like me, like the size, shape, and number of buttons on Apple's current mouse. Some people liked the size and shape of the PUCK mouse (c'mon.. it wasn't THAT bad), and still others like the size and shape of the original apple mice, and STILL others want more than 1 button, some want more than 10 buttons, some want a trackball, and some want bluetooth wireless mice (god that would be nice!)!! So if you DO want multi-button mice, or have some other gripe with the Pro Mouse, go out and buy a third-party mouse, because Apple is not going to be selling 5 different kinds of mice anytime soon.... then you'd have to get the computer and a separate box for the mouse!

As for built-in 2 button and scroll-wheel support in the Mac OS, I would think that is just Apple's software facilitating the ease of getting into OS X. That would be frickin' awesome if they put in their own mouse setup panel or something like that, but I doubt it. They just want to address another one of the gripes of OS X: having to wait for mouse software to be ported.

Just my 2 cents... (don't flame me for not hating the puck mouse! ;) ).