Will Ferrell Switch Ad


Anybody at macworld see the Will Ferril switch ad? It was hilarious! But to my dismay apple hasn't posted it on their site. Anybody have a bootleg of it or has it been leaked at all! I wish Apple would run it.

But hey, I dont watch tv so maybe they do. They just dont have it on their QT site.

Have a great day people.

If i wanted sarcasm i wouldve watched tommy boy. If you misread, this is a community... not a belittle other members show. I'd rather you save your bandwith in not replying.

I still hope everyone has a good day

gee, cybergoober, everyone thinks you're swell now. next time i have an idea or an opinion or a question, i'll be sure and let you know so you can give me the wonderful advice you've given others in such a humble manner.
Grow up, kid.

Originally posted by cybergoober

Look what a search returned.
Originally posted by cybergoober

Look what a search returned.

In all honesty, I would have replied to this post very similarly to how cybergoober did, but I wouldn't have displayed a "thumbs down". People really should SEARCH before posting a question. Searching and finding the answer leaves the board free of redundancy for those of us who do search. It's disappointing and frustrating to search through 6 posts that cover the same topic, hoping to find the answer relevant to your problem/question. And, I don't think goober was being an arse about this, a little sarcasm is good.
it just irks me that someone found something they thought was humorous and wanted to share it; then he gets this sort of response. it's not exactly intuitive to search for something every time you want to post something. i guess it really is hard on people to see more than one thread about a topic.
i agree. if you're looking for something, you should first start to actually LOOK FOR IT. still, my comment would have been a tad friendlier, for example something like a normal smiley :) accompanied with a link.
i'm going to stand behind cybergoober on this one. it is frustrating and annoying when people post without searching - expecting someone else to do their work for them. it is bad enough when someone double posts an acctual news annoucement, but when searching for info, do your own time consuming search first - which includes making sure you know how to spell what you are looking for!!

It is will ferrell, not ferril. (Clarus probably could searched for hours and not found it :D ) a web search for 'Saturday Night Live' would have led you to this page, which would have made a search for will ferrell much easier and more efficient.

so lay off cybergoober and let Clarus bask in the glory of his own laziness. :eek:

note - i have changed the thread title to reflect the correct spelling. i have left Clarus' post intact as evidence of his mistake.
Thanks, Ill get back to you on that later. I am actually just leaving to go on vacation :-) This is an interesting discourse on board ettiquite and I am glad to see response from the community. Catch you all in 10.

Sorry, I just read Ed's post when i submitted my last one. I hope no one thinks that this is some sort of argument. I understand about need to search. Thank you. The problem I had was the way that the information was given to me. No Ed, I didnt spell Ferrell right, and I guess that a spelling problem is directly connected to laziness, so I hearby apologize for lazily mispelling words on a message board. This is not an issue where sides must be taken, it was just me wanting more civility on a forum.

Thank you

I would like to apologize for the manner in which I replied to your first post Clarus. The thumbs down was over the line of good taste. I was having a bad day and decided to take it out on you. That's not how I usually operate. You could probably look through my posts and see that that was out of character for me. I know first impressions are important, but I hope there are no hard feelings.

But, if I'm going to start a new thread I'll do a search (learned the hard way ;) ). Of course in this case the name was mis-spelled so that might not have returned any results. But a glance at recent threads (the one I linked to was only on page 3) would have turned up the original thread rather quickly. That said, I do believe I was a bit harsh and posted very quickly without really thinking about what I was typing. Again, my bad.
sorry for jumping to conclusions and considering you a jerk. group hug! :D
Nothing to be sorry about. If that post alone were to reflect how I would be perceived and judged around here, I think most people would agree that I am a jerk. I could have been much more tactful. If I had just stopped and thought about it for even a couple of seconds, I could have made my point without coming across as the "Forum Redundancy Gestapo"-jerk-guy. Seeing this thread was just the last straw in a day gone awry. I would actually like to extend my apology to everyone here. There is no excuse for that type of behavior. Instead of being sarcastic, I was just plain rude.


BTW- apology accepted :D
goob- it wasn't that bad. the only person that should have taken the slightest offense to your post was Clarus.
so lay off cybergoober and let Clarus bask in the glory of his own laziness. :eek:

note - i have changed the thread title to reflect the correct spelling. i have left Clarus' post intact as evidence of his mistake. [/B][/QUOTE]

wow Ed :) you are ruthless!
Cybergoober, thank you for your reply, Im sorry you had a bad day and I hope that all goes well in the future for you :) I am glad that we have gone through and worked to understand the situation. To everyone i wish a wonderful day!

i just want to say that i am very impressed with the way all members of this thread handled themselves. We all make mistakes. there is nothing wrong with pointing them out to each other. in fact, that is how we learn. i hope many members of the site have learned from this one. true, this was hardly a big mistake, but rather a small one which occurs far too often. Clarus, the person who made the mistake, has acted with nobility and maturity about the issue. He should be seen as a model for all. After this, i have the highest respect for him. and all of you should too.

Jerry - i prefer to think of it as "tactiful as a tank and subtle as a sledge hammer". I just calls 'em as i sees 'em. :D