You oughta know...
Mac OS X Legacy programs might not support the serial ports, but its BSD/UNIX parts do. I've got two serial-port terminals on my G3/266. If you want to know how to do that, just look it up in this list (search it, its there).
If you want to just use a modem or a dot-matrix printer, you can test the device like this:
#su (become root)
#cd /dev
#echo "Hi there." > tty.modem (modem port)
#echo "Hi there." > tty.printer (printer port)
The above commands will echo the text "Hi there." to the respective ports. To set the speed and parity of agiven port, see the manual for the program "/bin/stty" (#man stty).
You might be thinking ...How is any of that usefull....
Lets say you have a text file, and you want to print it to a line printer (that is, bubble jet or dot matrix, I think).
#cat filename.tx > /dev/tty.printer
You can even put stuff like that into login scripts. (So when your 'friends' login to your computer and su to root, your dot matrix wakes up the whole neiborhood...)
And, if you wanted to connect to an ISP with a serial port modem, it might be hard, but you *could* hack pppd (the point-to-point daemon) and connect via wvdial (world-view dial).
And, those ligacy serial ports may allow you to use serial mice in XF86. Maybe even useing formally 'pc-only' hardware on your mac (just wait for a few geeks to compile it...).
Basically, what I am trying to say is that those 'unsupported' serial ports ARE detected and configured by the kernel. Its just a question of convincing programs to use them. And believe me, the programs will pop up.