Will Safari RSS kill free RSS feeders?


I am currently using NetNewsWire Lite. I am curious whether people think the new version of Safari will diminish the demand for simple RSS feeders. Would some kind soul tell me if the new version of Safari can indicate the number of unread feeds in the Safari icon? Is it easy to post a feed as one can in NNW Lite? Thanks for any comments.
Check out the Safari 2.0 webpage at Apple.
The features do sound very interesting. I'll have to see it and test it though, as not all the claims of what it can do are clear...
I doubt if it'll kill the need for other RSS readers too much - Firefox can read RSS feeds, is probably more widespread than Safari and hasn't seemed to kill it ... yet.
Probably depends on how used you are to NNW. The full version has an integrated browser, yet NNW2 doesn't kill Safari for me. ;) ... I've been using Tiger actively for a while, and I'm still using NNW2 for newsfeeds. Safari doesn't do for me what NNW2 does.
fryke: Can Safari 2 show the number of new or unread headlines in its dock icon as NNW can? I find that very useful.
I use Sage RSS reader in FireFox and it seems much better than what Safari claims to have. I just open the RSS reader sidebar, hit refresh, and it'll check for updated feeds. Safri doesn't apper to have that.