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Apple does not believe that its pre-announced switch to Intel chips will dampen the halo effect of the iPod.
There has been much talk of the halo effect over the last year, with some analysts claiming that Apple has witnessed an increase in Mac sales on the back of the iPod's popularity. However, concern is now spreading that the companies move to Intel chips, expected to take place next year, will stop potential customers making the switch.
Jacob Asset Management analyst Darren Chervitz said: "Without the transition, it seemed like all the signs were pointing toward market share growth. I wonder if this was the best time for Apple to move to Intel chips."
Apple does not believe that its pre-announced switch to Intel chips will dampen the halo effect of the iPod.
There has been much talk of the halo effect over the last year, with some analysts claiming that Apple has witnessed an increase in Mac sales on the back of the iPod's popularity. However, concern is now spreading that the companies move to Intel chips, expected to take place next year, will stop potential customers making the switch.
Jacob Asset Management analyst Darren Chervitz said: "Without the transition, it seemed like all the signs were pointing toward market share growth. I wonder if this was the best time for Apple to move to Intel chips."