Win XP on MacMini or iMac


Hello Mac OSX support member,

When wanting to run Windows XP Pro on a Mac system (booting up into XP, no Parallels, running ONLY windows XP) with business software, is there any downside or major plus side in using either a MacMini or iMac. Is the MacMini well suited to run XP Pro and on the other hand: would it be wiser to use an iMac...
The thing is that we currently have 22 inch Samsung screens that are gorgeous and nicer on the eyes than iMac screens from what I have seen. But the question is whether or not we NEED iMacs to run XP smoothly. We also run patient management software (DSN) and X ray software apart from Office XP.
In my opinion the Mac Mini will suffice. However, go for maximum 2 GB RAM and a 160 GB hard drive (the latter will need to partitioned to run Windows XP using Bootcamp).

Buying the right RAM and hard drive at the beginning is essential, because you can very easily damage your Mac Mini by trying to install these yourself at a later date (you would need an Apple authorized service to do this).

I run Windows XP on my Mac Mini using virtual software. It's a bit slow - as with all virtual software - but having only 1GB of RAM probably doesn't help either.

Mac Minis are probably not powerful enough for using graphic imaging software on any platform.