Winamp for Mac Screenshots Please?

BlingBling 3k12

Somewhere... dunno though
I wish to see some screenshots for the Winamp for Mac Beta... if anyone could do this, it would be greatly appreciated!

and sorry for all the needless posts by me but don't worry, i'll be a full mac user in 3-5 shipping weeks! :D
wow... nothing different... :D

i know it sucks compared to iTunes, but I figured Winamp would have something a bit better out... thanx WoLF for the snippet...
Originally posted by WoLF
its alpha, and it sucks compared to iTunes. And it only works in OS9 or classic

Like another WindowsMedia player for Mac (OS9)
Sucks, unsupported, unstable that's how WinMediaPlayer for Mac is and the same thing is going to happen with WinAmp, I think
Originally posted by julguribye

Like another WindowsMedia player for Mac (OS9)
Sucks, unsupported, unstable that's how WinMediaPlayer for Mac is and the same thing is going to happen with WinAmp, I think

most likely