Window Memory Settings for Finder


Hi All,

It really annoys me that in Finder (in Icon View), when I'm in a given directory and I enter a sub-directory, when I go back up to the original directory, the window scrolls to the top.

Sometimes it doesn't do this, but the majority of the time, it does. There must be a setting somewhere that controls this. Finder is obviously not just arbitrarily choosing which way to do things.

It's really annoying, though, because if I'm doing something in a directory with many subdirectories, I have to find my last place, as I tend to go through things in alphabetical order.

If anyone knows how to control the feature, I would really appreciate knowing it.

Okay, this is about 25 minutes later and now the same Finder window is keeping its place, up to somewhere within the letter "P", exactly where some ".ips" files are.

Once I get to the point where the .ips files are visible in the Finder window, it stops have the memory effect. When I return from a sub-directory, the window scrolls to the last place I went that was within the letters A to the beginning of P.

Just wanted to add that.
What version of OS X are you running and on what Mac? Have you tried to go to the folder /yourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and deleting the file Then hold down the "option" key and mouse click the Finder icon in the Dock and then select "Relaunch"?