Windows app to Mac OS X Glue code


I may be daft but I thought there was some glue code, it may still be in beta test, where you can run Windows applications on an Intel based Mac without Windows involved. I'm not thinking of Parallels. This is just some library code that bridges between the Windows interface and Mac. As I recall, it started as a Linux library.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I can't find it.

Crossover is, indeed, a Wine package.

It creates virtual OS environments called bottles (the Wine metaphors never seem to end, hehe). Each bottle contains one or more programs that are contained within.

I currently have Windows2k Bottles for SecureCRT and Picasa. They both work except for some minor things.

SecureCRT has some scrolling issue with multiple tabs open, but it doesn't affect usability.

Picasa works like a charm for everything but video playback. Since Picasa ties in to Window Media Player for video playback, this is expected.

All in all, a very good implementation of Wine for Mac.