Windows filenames on MAC OS X with foreign characters are truncated with "?"


I am a newbie to Mac OS X, just bought my first mac, a mac mini last week!!! It looks awesome but I have been having a hard time transferring my mp3 files from iTunes in windows to iTunes in my mac mini. I consolidated my music library in iTunes windows into an external hard drive folder formatted as FAT32. I then plugged it into my mac mini and it mounted on instantly!!! I can see all files and folders, but when I tried copying it stops half way. It complains a file already exists with the name "". I believe the problem is because my mp3 files have a name with portuguese characters: ç, ã, é.... and these file names are truncated on mac os x with ?.

File : c:/my music/gabriel o pensador/cabeçao.mp3
is seen on mac as
external hdd:my music:gabriel o pensador:cabe?

folders also have the same outcome?

Any ideas on how to overcome this, I can't rename files since my library has 60GB....